Useful tips on ecobyte: what to replace household chemicals

1. Few people know that mustard can wash dishes! Mustard can wash the grease from the dishes. It is absolutely safe for health, unlike detergents, residues of which remain on the dishes. Plus it is environmentally friendly to our planet, as waste is not soapy water...
You can buy mustard powder at the market or in the shop to sprinkle on the plate (fat places), splash of water (a few drops), to smudge the powder, wash it off. Thus, the resulting water is not only harmful to the Earth and your health, but also can be used as a fertilizer and as a remedy for pests.
Mustard powder is used as a great eco-friendly cleaner for washing and cleaning dishes removing stains, washing wool and silk.
It's also a great means of destroying pests of the garden. Mustard powder has antibacterial properties, it acts obezzarajivatmi on the agents of certain plant diseases.
2. Versatile tool for cleaning all over the house – a mixture of water mixed with vinegar plus a few drops of lavender oil.
3. To wash Windows, mix vinegar and water 1:5, apply to glass and wipe with Newspapers or a soft cloth. Vinegar you can substitute lemon juice.
4. To combat lime stains on the sink, tub, toilet seat, wash it down with vinegar, put some baking soda and let stand. Then it is easily cleaned with a brush.
5. To whiten the fabric: for 10 litres of water add 2 table. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 table. a liquid ammonia spoon.
6. Baking soda – cleaning ovens. To remove the fat leave for the night a quarter of a Cup of ammonia in the oven and the next morning, wipe the baking soda. Effective also cleaning the still warm plate with salt.
7. For cleaning sewer pipes use salt. It is necessary to fill the tube and rinse with boiling water.
8. Glass polishing liquid ammonia and soap.
9. And mirrors with a mixture of vinegar and water in equal proportions.
10. Works surprisingly well corn starch to clean carpets. It needs to scatter, and then vacuum the surface.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your intake, we, together change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md
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