China will spend $ 182 billion on the modernization of the Internet

The Chinese authorities have announced an ambitious program of modernization of the Internet structures in China. And to spend on all this will be just some incredible amount of money. Just think about these numbers: 182 billion dollars will be invested in fiber optic networks and in 4G networks across the country over the next two and a half years.
The representative of the Chinese authorities, said in an interview that the government plans to invest 69.3 billion in the construction of new networks in the course of this year. Another amount of size in $ 112.8 billion dollars will pour into the Internet structure until the end of 2017.
For comparison, the UK authorities over the last few years invested in the development of the Internet about 1.22 billion dollars, or about $ 20 per active user of the Internet. In China, the single user plan to spend as much as 132 dollars.
Major reform of the Internet needs to put an end to the fluctuations in the national rate of China's Internet. Many believe that these "freezes" caused by the monitoring system known as the "Great Chinese firewall" or "Golden shield". This project was commissioned in 2003 and is a system of servers on the Internet channel between providers and international networks, which filters the information.
Official representatives of the Chinese authorities claim that by 2017, 100-megabyte fiber-optic networks will ensure not only the city, but more than 80% of China's villages. In all towns and villages will have access to 4G networks at speeds up to 30 Mbps. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hi-news.ru
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