Emily: around the world by Bicycle alone

"Yesterday met a cyclist-traveler. Thought that these are only movies and not real, "contactusa" stories. But no, they exist.
Emily is a normal canadian girl. A year and a half ago, after graduating from University, single-handedly sailed around the world, and has since prokelisia halfway around the world. Thailand, Laos, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia (in transit), Europe.... and here — Northern Norway). She has no phone, no GPS, only a topographical map and a small compass. And the money she virtually none. When there is an urgent need, it stops somewhere and looking for a part-time job. Earning the required amount, she moved on. All this time living in a tent.
She just rocked my world! I can imagine a group of healthy men could be a year and a half to pedal and live without claiming to be civilized conditions. But the girl!!! One!!! This is my new idol!!! This is my hero!!! This brave knight and Savior of the universe in one person. To such people I would put the monuments in every city where they left a trail of its wheels.
Seeing her, I could not pass up. I offered her to relax at my house, take a shower and eat. Long, long listened to the stories about her adventures. I promised myself that one day I'll come out in a big way to return soon. Fed her, gave her in the way all of my meals, a warm sweater, a jar of protein and a pack of batteries. More to give there was nothing.
Now she's headed to the Lofoten Islands (one of the most beautiful places by National Geographic). Asked her about future plans, and when are they going to complete their journey. Said that while no plans and will just keep running until able to pedal".
"It's hard to start but even harder to stop" published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecology.md