Bus on fuel from manure set a world speed record

In the UK on a test track in Bedford set a new speed record. However, beyond the numbers, this record can not boast, and it is not about speed, but about vehicle, its installed. The fact that we are talking about bus Hound Bus running on biomethane (made from cow manure) which could be dispersed to 123,55 kilometers per hour.
News Agency BBC reports that Bus Hound is not the concept: specifically, this bus operates on one of the branches of the route to reading town, in the South-Eastern part of England. To set world speed record for this type of equipment mechanics disconnected from the bus system responsible for the speed limit. In the normal "labor mode" it does not allow to accelerate more than 90 kilometers per hour.
John Bickerton, chief engineer urban transport company Reading Buses, said in an interview that set the world speed record, it was decided to support public transport running on biofuels.
"We wanted to show people that a bus of this type do not have to be dirty, smelly and slow. It is completely modern and fast public transport, created with all the cutting-edge innovation," said Bickerton in an interview with BBC News.-"When the car came to the track, it was unforgettable. The aerodynamics of the bus is clearly not designed for such speeds, so it seemed that in front of us "flying" bomber".

The name of Bus Hound to some extent, is a reference to British supersonic car Bloodhound, claiming the title of fastest land vehicle on the planet. The bus runs on compressed natural gas produced from cow manure through anaerobic process nigeriane. After which the gas is brought to a liquid state and fill tanks located on the roof of the bus.
Currently in the British city of reading 34 such environmentally friendly buses. The same bus company, whose equipment runs on biomethane, also located in the British city of Bristol. However, instead of animal waste, they run on gas produced from human excrement and food waste 32 000 locals.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hi-news.ru
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