What kind of plants can you decorate the garden

What kind of plants can you decorate the garden? Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Landscape designers willingly use the technique of vertical landscaping. With the help of climbing plants, it is possible to achieve a good decorative effect, mask unsightly areas and create recreation areas in the garden.
Climbing perennial lianas are the most popular and successful solution for vertical landscaping. Among these plants it is impossible not to pay attention to the weavey roses. Vines 3-4 meters long are dotted with small fragrant flowers growing in small groups. These plants bloom for a long time, and if you plant several varieties, you can achieve continuous flowering - from spring to late autumn.
These plants should be planted in the most ceremonial and sunny place. Pergola or arch, entwined with weavey roses - an impressive sight that can not leave anyone indifferent. However, these plants are not winterproof enough, so in the winter you need to remove the vines from the supports, prune and cover with a thick layer of lapberry.
No less popular with gardeners and clematis. Having planted several varieties of this plant, the gardener will receive a solid flowering wall of greenery - these plants are distinguished by lush and abundant flowering, which continues in early spring and ends with the onset of frosts. Several clematis bushes are able to decorate the gazebo, create an openwork screen for zoning the garden and decorate an old fence or an ugly wall.
To quickly decorate large areas, create a hedge on trellises, wilt a gazebo and disguise an old shed, you can use maiden grapes. Powerful and rapid growth, a beautiful view of the autumn plant, which stands out against the background of fading foliage with bright ruby leaves, will appeal to everyone and will be able to decorate the garden until the frost.
The most unpretentious climbing plant for the garden is ordinary ivy. This plant is extremely common in Northern Europe, where all ancient stone buildings are necessarily entwined with a dense wall of ivy. Unfortunately, this bottle is sensitive to low temperatures, so in Russian conditions it is necessary to grow it on tapestries, and for the winter to bring it into a room with a plus temperature. Ivy is often used for landscaping balconies, loggias and terraces.
To decorate gardens in the middle lane in the harsh conditions of the Urals and Siberia, hops are the best fit. This plant is not only very decorative, but also absolutely frost-resistant and unpretentious. Hops are not affected by diseases and pests, quickly masks large areas. And its fruit-cones, which appear in August, perfectly decorate a green wall or hedge of hops. At the same time, hop cones are an excellent medicine.
Choosing plants for vertical landscaping, one should not forget about annual wineries. Popular among flower growers ipomeia, kobeya - their bright gramophones decorate the garden to the very frost. To create a full bouquet of aromas of the evening summer garden, you can not do without fragrant peas, decorative beans. All these plants should be grown in seedlings, and they are planted in the garden after returning frosts. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: domashniy.ru/
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