Fascinating to see a million jellyfish in a lake
Jellyfish lake is located in the archipelago of Rocky Islands of the island nation of Palau, 800 kilometres East of the Philippines. Its size is just 460 x 160 meters and a depth less than 50 meters
The lake is famous for the separate populations of two species scyphoid jellyfish: gold (papua Mastigias) and the moon (Aurelia). During the existence of lake jellyfish in it have multiplied to several million individuals!
Moreover — all this a million fleet of jellyfish makes regular movement through the lake. Night and up to two hours of Golden jellyfish move vertically between the surface layer of the lake and a border zone anoxic layer.
In the morning, from about 09:30, the jellyfish migrate from the center of the Western part of the pond to its Eastern part, and from 15:30 they move from the Eastern part of the reservoir to the Western edge of the lake. At sunset, the jellyfish make a short term move in an easterly direction from the Western end, where they remain during the night.
Floating near the surface, Golden jellyfish make a counterclockwise rotation, and the moon jellyfish only migrate to the surface at night. Millions of jellyfish in a small lake, is an incredibly spectacular sight! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.popmech.ru/biology/167611-video-million-meduz-v-odnom-ozere/

The lake is famous for the separate populations of two species scyphoid jellyfish: gold (papua Mastigias) and the moon (Aurelia). During the existence of lake jellyfish in it have multiplied to several million individuals!
Moreover — all this a million fleet of jellyfish makes regular movement through the lake. Night and up to two hours of Golden jellyfish move vertically between the surface layer of the lake and a border zone anoxic layer.

In the morning, from about 09:30, the jellyfish migrate from the center of the Western part of the pond to its Eastern part, and from 15:30 they move from the Eastern part of the reservoir to the Western edge of the lake. At sunset, the jellyfish make a short term move in an easterly direction from the Western end, where they remain during the night.
Floating near the surface, Golden jellyfish make a counterclockwise rotation, and the moon jellyfish only migrate to the surface at night. Millions of jellyfish in a small lake, is an incredibly spectacular sight! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.popmech.ru/biology/167611-video-million-meduz-v-odnom-ozere/