This lake is safe to swim with millions of jellyfish
Friendly kompaniya
On one of the islands of Palau, ESD-Malki, there are 12 000-summer sea lake in which live 13 million golden jellyfish. Divers can safely swim in the lake, and not be afraid that their jellyfish sting. The lake is known as the Jellyfish Lake, but locals call it Ongem'l Tketau.
This lake is unique: at first sight it is "cut off" from the ocean in a narrow strip of land, but in fact connected with the ocean network of underground tunnels and cracks in the limestone. Because of this, the water level in the lake is not permanent, tides happen. But predatory creatures in the lake path not found - there live only a few jellyfish and fish species.
Natural enemies of the inhabitants of the lake there is a jellyfish, so that the need for a protective mechanism has disappeared, and with the development of species have gone gold jellyfish stings and mustache. Living close to the surface of the jellyfish as they need sunlight.
In addition to gold jellyfish in the lake live moon jellyfish, fish, cardinals, silversides, gobies and anemones. Since jellyfish anemones to be careful - any scattered anemone jellyfish eat with pleasure. But as anemones prefer dark places, and jellyfish are drawn to sunlight, it happens very rarely.
via factroom.ru

On one of the islands of Palau, ESD-Malki, there are 12 000-summer sea lake in which live 13 million golden jellyfish. Divers can safely swim in the lake, and not be afraid that their jellyfish sting. The lake is known as the Jellyfish Lake, but locals call it Ongem'l Tketau.
This lake is unique: at first sight it is "cut off" from the ocean in a narrow strip of land, but in fact connected with the ocean network of underground tunnels and cracks in the limestone. Because of this, the water level in the lake is not permanent, tides happen. But predatory creatures in the lake path not found - there live only a few jellyfish and fish species.

Natural enemies of the inhabitants of the lake there is a jellyfish, so that the need for a protective mechanism has disappeared, and with the development of species have gone gold jellyfish stings and mustache. Living close to the surface of the jellyfish as they need sunlight.

In addition to gold jellyfish in the lake live moon jellyfish, fish, cardinals, silversides, gobies and anemones. Since jellyfish anemones to be careful - any scattered anemone jellyfish eat with pleasure. But as anemones prefer dark places, and jellyfish are drawn to sunlight, it happens very rarely.

via factroom.ru
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