Professor S. Savel'ev: People oscillate between purely monkey and human
People are social, but still animals, I am sure a famous scientist
An expert in the field of human brain research, Professor Sergey Saveliev in an exclusive interview KM.RU analyzes the social and political realities from the standpoint of their science.
We are mammals that behave very aggressive and unreasonable
- Human is something that does not bring a direct biological benefit. To earn money, to create a cave, that is, housing, to transfer its genome to the next generation — where is the human? We the people did not become.
We are mammals that behave very aggressive and unreasonable. Valued high adaptability, the ability to produce bread (due to neighbors), according to the biological laws is and reproduction. The structure of society reflects an evolutionary rather than a rational the results of human development.
What we are more likely: either to democracy or dictatorship? Looking at the brain. The frontal lobe has been formed in order to share food, not necessarily relatives. Severe selection has made us social creatures with a huge frontal areas. This gave us the opportunity to coexist together, not rushing with a knife at each other whenever the hunger pangs. But you need at least another two hundred thousand years of selection to ensure that it turned into an absolute norm.
Now we are social, but still animals. We understand that stealing is bad, but stealing! Due to the frontal regions are trying to comply with social behavior, but we still half, which is necessary to establish a hierarchy and so on. Let's see how the people make their way to power and money: all the same hierarchy and dominance.
By the way, people often go into politics, even not for money but for dominance, to put it simply, to show off the way others can't. It's an instinctual form of behavior because the person like an animal — totalitarist.
Any self-organization is biological at its core
On the one hand, the audience all strive to show themselves Democrats and humanists, and when nobody sees, so start to behave like baboons in the pack. There is no difference between the group of teenagers at the entrance, robbing passers-by, and a group of countries that are doing the same! Both — biological model of behavior.
For the monkey it was okay not to think, to be lazy, to cheat, to change with someone else's wife, to steal money. But it is forbidden, and people teetering between pure monkey and human. And, I think, many do not even try to do it, completely surrendering to the evolutionary wind.
Any self-organization is biological in nature. Look at the mafia, what happens in prisons. If we want to create a completely hierarchical society, among people who profess Primate behavior, it's easier to do.
For this reason, totalitarian society to build simpler than the democratic. In a democratic society it is necessary to select people who will think alike and behave quite alike. But without scientific cerebral sorting that can not be done, and always among the most large Democrats appear two thieves that steal everything. This we did in the 90-ies, when under the slogans of democracy gathered thieves, and pilfered.
Thanks for your brains, mankind is able to create new, something not found in nature. Maybe we should do something reasonable, not just masking babuhinskie attitude and the same purpose? published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.km.ru/science-tech/2015/01/24/mozg-i-ego-zabolevaniya/753905-professor-ssavelev-lyudi-balansiruyut-mezhdu-
An expert in the field of human brain research, Professor Sergey Saveliev in an exclusive interview KM.RU analyzes the social and political realities from the standpoint of their science.

We are mammals that behave very aggressive and unreasonable
- Human is something that does not bring a direct biological benefit. To earn money, to create a cave, that is, housing, to transfer its genome to the next generation — where is the human? We the people did not become.
We are mammals that behave very aggressive and unreasonable. Valued high adaptability, the ability to produce bread (due to neighbors), according to the biological laws is and reproduction. The structure of society reflects an evolutionary rather than a rational the results of human development.
What we are more likely: either to democracy or dictatorship? Looking at the brain. The frontal lobe has been formed in order to share food, not necessarily relatives. Severe selection has made us social creatures with a huge frontal areas. This gave us the opportunity to coexist together, not rushing with a knife at each other whenever the hunger pangs. But you need at least another two hundred thousand years of selection to ensure that it turned into an absolute norm.
Now we are social, but still animals. We understand that stealing is bad, but stealing! Due to the frontal regions are trying to comply with social behavior, but we still half, which is necessary to establish a hierarchy and so on. Let's see how the people make their way to power and money: all the same hierarchy and dominance.
By the way, people often go into politics, even not for money but for dominance, to put it simply, to show off the way others can't. It's an instinctual form of behavior because the person like an animal — totalitarist.
Any self-organization is biological at its core
On the one hand, the audience all strive to show themselves Democrats and humanists, and when nobody sees, so start to behave like baboons in the pack. There is no difference between the group of teenagers at the entrance, robbing passers-by, and a group of countries that are doing the same! Both — biological model of behavior.
For the monkey it was okay not to think, to be lazy, to cheat, to change with someone else's wife, to steal money. But it is forbidden, and people teetering between pure monkey and human. And, I think, many do not even try to do it, completely surrendering to the evolutionary wind.
Any self-organization is biological in nature. Look at the mafia, what happens in prisons. If we want to create a completely hierarchical society, among people who profess Primate behavior, it's easier to do.
For this reason, totalitarian society to build simpler than the democratic. In a democratic society it is necessary to select people who will think alike and behave quite alike. But without scientific cerebral sorting that can not be done, and always among the most large Democrats appear two thieves that steal everything. This we did in the 90-ies, when under the slogans of democracy gathered thieves, and pilfered.
Thanks for your brains, mankind is able to create new, something not found in nature. Maybe we should do something reasonable, not just masking babuhinskie attitude and the same purpose? published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.km.ru/science-tech/2015/01/24/mozg-i-ego-zabolevaniya/753905-professor-ssavelev-lyudi-balansiruyut-mezhdu-