Post-vaccination problems in children
Sergei Malkov, osteopath (Saint Petersburg)
I am a medical doctor, osteopath, chief doctor of one of the Petersburg osteopathic centers. I would like to share with you some observations concerning the impact of vaccination on the child's body as a whole.
I'm not going to explain what osteopathy is, let me just say that osteopath, due to the high selective sensitivity of their hands and diversified training in many fields of medicine and physiology, able to deliver a difficult diagnosis, to provide a clear picture of the health of the body as a whole and, finally, a soft effect to balance the activities of its systems, that is, to cure many ailments. A doctor of osteopathy is based on the understanding of the unity of three systems: the musculoskeletal, visceral (internal organs) and mental.
Children with post-vaccination problems I meet in my office every day several times. Echoes of vaccine-related situations are found in different organs and systems of the body. For example, vaccination against polio leads to a decrease in the reverse suction of cerebrospinal fluid in the chorionic plate of the ventricles of the brain, which causes an increase in fluid in the skull and thereby increases intracranial pressure.
And finally, the vaccine against hepatitis B. Many children the first year of life lead to me with stagnation in the liver (the liver is enlarged, dense, sometimes even painful). We must not forget that the product development of the liver — the bile is the substance which stimulates peristalsis. Thus, if the bile produced is not sufficient, the food in the gut is much longer than it should to stay there in the norm, and so she begins to ferment or even rot. Second, we must not forget that the liver is the main filter that cleanses the blood from harmful substances with food. And finally, third: the liver is one of the leading players in the immune system. All vaccinations without exception, affect the function of the liver is not in a good way.Dose of DPT (ADS-M, ADS) — often her tetanus component — leads to the tension of intracranial membranes that constitute the venous sinuses — vascular "bushes", according to him, blood flowing from the brain through the jugular. This tension leads to venous stagnation, therefore increases intracranial pressure.
In our practice we, unfortunately, are faced with heavy postwakcinalny problems: cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus gepatomegalia, neurodermatitis. These children require constant monitoring and osteopathic treatment, as are in a state of maladjustment of the three basic components of health.
Often, for the launch of vaccination toxic agents from the body, we, osteopaths, homeopaths, with whom we get very good results of treatment of post-vaccination complications.
But that's another story...
From the book "Doctors against vaccination", SPb, 2009. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Deti-s-postvaktsinalnimi-problemami-3434.html
I am a medical doctor, osteopath, chief doctor of one of the Petersburg osteopathic centers. I would like to share with you some observations concerning the impact of vaccination on the child's body as a whole.
I'm not going to explain what osteopathy is, let me just say that osteopath, due to the high selective sensitivity of their hands and diversified training in many fields of medicine and physiology, able to deliver a difficult diagnosis, to provide a clear picture of the health of the body as a whole and, finally, a soft effect to balance the activities of its systems, that is, to cure many ailments. A doctor of osteopathy is based on the understanding of the unity of three systems: the musculoskeletal, visceral (internal organs) and mental.
Children with post-vaccination problems I meet in my office every day several times. Echoes of vaccine-related situations are found in different organs and systems of the body. For example, vaccination against polio leads to a decrease in the reverse suction of cerebrospinal fluid in the chorionic plate of the ventricles of the brain, which causes an increase in fluid in the skull and thereby increases intracranial pressure.
And finally, the vaccine against hepatitis B. Many children the first year of life lead to me with stagnation in the liver (the liver is enlarged, dense, sometimes even painful). We must not forget that the product development of the liver — the bile is the substance which stimulates peristalsis. Thus, if the bile produced is not sufficient, the food in the gut is much longer than it should to stay there in the norm, and so she begins to ferment or even rot. Second, we must not forget that the liver is the main filter that cleanses the blood from harmful substances with food. And finally, third: the liver is one of the leading players in the immune system. All vaccinations without exception, affect the function of the liver is not in a good way.Dose of DPT (ADS-M, ADS) — often her tetanus component — leads to the tension of intracranial membranes that constitute the venous sinuses — vascular "bushes", according to him, blood flowing from the brain through the jugular. This tension leads to venous stagnation, therefore increases intracranial pressure.
In our practice we, unfortunately, are faced with heavy postwakcinalny problems: cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus gepatomegalia, neurodermatitis. These children require constant monitoring and osteopathic treatment, as are in a state of maladjustment of the three basic components of health.
Often, for the launch of vaccination toxic agents from the body, we, osteopaths, homeopaths, with whom we get very good results of treatment of post-vaccination complications.
But that's another story...
From the book "Doctors against vaccination", SPb, 2009. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Deti-s-postvaktsinalnimi-problemami-3434.html
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