You buy Breakfast cereal for children?Then read this!
The results of the study conducted by specialists of the chair of commodity research and examination of food products Kyiv national University of trade and Economics (KNTEU).
Cereal positioned as a healthy diet — balanced, enriched with minerals and vitamins. And, of course, superpolite children. And in fact, in the dry matter of this Breakfast contains 55% sugar and 1-2% salt. But children the excess of salt and sugar could cause serious damage, which makes cereals unfit for regular use in the child's diet.
Comparative tests of six samples of cereals, which, judging by the advertising and design packages designed primarily for children:
The study showed: many cereals by 45-50% consist of sugar. Pads "Hrutka" Harmony and cereals less sweet, they have lower rates at 17.8% and 18.7%, respectively. High was the salt content — it ranges from 0.7% in Kosmostar stars and balls Hrutka to 1.9% in cereals Harmony.
Energy value the experts were calculated based on the portions of 30 g of dry cereal and 125 g of milk. The maximum was increased in dairy pillows "Hrutka" and 39.9%, respectively, and minimum — in the chocolate balls Start — they provide only 29, 7% of the energy needs of the child.
According to research, a minimum amount of vitamins pads contain cereals with milk filling "Hrutka», and the poor mineral complex — honey stars Kosmostar and balls "Hrutka".
The remaining samples have similar mineral and vitamin composition.
In addition, no manufacturer identified on the labeling of food additives with the relevant international symbol of E, although they are present in the composition of the products.
In the chocolate balls Start food additives "hidden" among data on vitamin and mineral complexes.
In addition to corn-based ethanol, these breakfasts can be found and dyes, and emulsifiers, and flavorings, identical to natural.published
Forty seven million one thousand ninety five
Also read: the Myth about the benefits of dry Breakfast is ruined!
7 simple recipes for the perfect Breakfast
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/m.v.oganyan?w=wall-102262971_9608
Cereal positioned as a healthy diet — balanced, enriched with minerals and vitamins. And, of course, superpolite children. And in fact, in the dry matter of this Breakfast contains 55% sugar and 1-2% salt. But children the excess of salt and sugar could cause serious damage, which makes cereals unfit for regular use in the child's diet.
Comparative tests of six samples of cereals, which, judging by the advertising and design packages designed primarily for children:
- Kosmostar — crispy honey stars;
- "Hrutka" (trademark (TM) of Nestle) — cereal pillows with milk filling;
- TM Start — three samples of corn honey hopew;
- Harmony TM Axa — glazurirovanija rings 4 types of cereal and chocolate balls, as well as multigrain cereal.
The study showed: many cereals by 45-50% consist of sugar. Pads "Hrutka" Harmony and cereals less sweet, they have lower rates at 17.8% and 18.7%, respectively. High was the salt content — it ranges from 0.7% in Kosmostar stars and balls Hrutka to 1.9% in cereals Harmony.
Energy value the experts were calculated based on the portions of 30 g of dry cereal and 125 g of milk. The maximum was increased in dairy pillows "Hrutka" and 39.9%, respectively, and minimum — in the chocolate balls Start — they provide only 29, 7% of the energy needs of the child.
According to research, a minimum amount of vitamins pads contain cereals with milk filling "Hrutka», and the poor mineral complex — honey stars Kosmostar and balls "Hrutka".
The remaining samples have similar mineral and vitamin composition.
In addition, no manufacturer identified on the labeling of food additives with the relevant international symbol of E, although they are present in the composition of the products.
In the chocolate balls Start food additives "hidden" among data on vitamin and mineral complexes.
In addition to corn-based ethanol, these breakfasts can be found and dyes, and emulsifiers, and flavorings, identical to natural.published
Forty seven million one thousand ninety five
Also read: the Myth about the benefits of dry Breakfast is ruined!
7 simple recipes for the perfect Breakfast
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/m.v.oganyan?w=wall-102262971_9608
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