Led light bulbs in the car. Features lighting.

Increasingly regular lighting in the car is replaced by LEDs, which are:

  • require a very small quantity of energy;

  • virtually no effect on the battery charge;

  • do not load the alternator;

  • their peculiar brightness;

  • have the ability to use lights of different colors.

It is due to economical energy consumption and increased brightness and spread, cabin LEDs, which are installed in all lighting devices of the car. For all indicators, they are more efficient than conventional incandescent lamps, which frequently burn out, and the light weak.

When you replace the regular lighting inside the car the main thing – to choose the right led bulbs that will match the size of connectors and dimensions, and be in good quality.

Light bulbs for interior can be divided into these subtypes:

  • compact light bulbs that are installed in a regular connector, have similar design and can be easily replaced;

  • light bulb increased the size and enhanced capacity placed in a standard connector, if placed in a confined space;

  • rectangular matrix having a different number of LEDs in the design, which, because of their size often do not fit in the tank.

The use of different lighting fixtures interior led light bulbs helps to save the battery's energy that can brighten the appearance of the car and gives you the opportunity not to change a light bulb exhausting often.

In addition, they have a lot of advantages:

  • have high efficiency and produce strong light for 1 Watt;

  • no heat, unlike conventional incandescent light bulbs (the name speaks for itself);

  • look very stylish and add originality to the interior of the car;

  • make the car more noticeable for the perception of other road users;

  • have a very long service life and less vibration;

  • design implies the existence impervious to moisture of the body, which eliminates its effect on the product;

  • improved response time light 0.2-0.3 sec. earlier than a regular light bulb, which is very important in an emergency.

In addition to the high price of led bulbs, buyers often confused a question, how safe are led light bulbs used in the car, to the human eye? Because they have less power than household appliances, and used less frequently, their effect on the human eye is minimal and completely transparent. published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: osoko.ru/publ/avtonovosti/svetodiodnye_lampochki_v_salone_avto_osobennosti_osveshhenija/2-1-0-14939