James Patterson: a reader's gift children can pass only one who owns it
James Patterson is one of the most famous writers in the world. Books for children he started to write not long after he wrote 65 works for adult fans of thrillers and detectives. Adult literature he left, just for kids, more for Teens, started writing thanks to my son Jack.
Surprisingly, the son of a successful writer for a long time did not like to read. He wasn't interested. He was reading a predetermined program at the school, but the pleasure of books not received. James Patterson has tried to write something special for your own son, because millions of adults read his books!
Perhaps teenage prose also happens... to be a good Experience, the reader was satisfied. And James liked the new experience. But Jack was from the category of those children whom the books had to be tamed gradually. The story has a happy ending, and today Jack is non-stop reading machine. And it is difficult to imagine that he didn't like the book.
Own experience with James Patterson, shared with parents, who want to read has become one of the main Hobbies of the child. Of course, the advice to write suitable to the interests of the child a book in the list of tips was not included. But if you want to — let you will succeed!
Start today. Not tomorrow. Not in the new quarters. But today. Today, and don't let it be Monday. Take the book in hand and read it aloud in the evening, your child or entire family as a whole, without a difference. To instill a love of reading can only be by example. If he doesn't see you reading, he'll never believe that reading is interesting.
You must have at least a rough list of books to read, books that need the child's age and interests. Talk to him, find out what he likes: what subject, what genre (comic books — the same books!), as it is convenient to read books with thick cover, pocket size, electronic. And compile this list. Not only for him. But also for themselves.
Ask for help to the librarian if you can't find modern books for your child. Librarians are the nicest people and know so much about the books. Ask them to pick up something for your child. At the same time join themselves to the library is a good place to stay.
You will need to read all these books independently. You can read together with your child the same book, for example, you morning, evening, or out loud to each other. But to understand his feeling, possible thoughts, questions, to really talk to him about books and not just ask: "have you Read? Like?", you need to know the books to be read by your child. They need to read. And then you become a liar if you to advise a book, and do not read a single line from it.
Don't do drama, if the child chooses the e-book, not the paper, in cloth binding. Electronic books — the same books, if in them the main text instead of printing wonders.
Call your child's friends to their homes for evening discussions of books, even if they like to join your reading club, call the relatives, prepare the treats (nuts, chips, soda will do), if just for the book does not go.
If you need motivation in the form of awards, not crevices, reward. Even adults love to win prizes, and children especially. Consider its reward system: for example, after every three books read — a trip to the cinema or a new car in the collection.
Travel with your books. Encourage your child to take the book he is reading, or he loves, or both. You can read everywhere — in line at the station, in the car, in a boring hotel, lying down, sitting, standing, eating, falling asleep. The book is the best friend, he needs to be there.
Why didn't anybody tell me that in 20?
The 20 best books to read to children before bedtime
How would you decide to read, do it without tension, with good humor, without pathos.
And remember, the gift of the reader can transmit only one who owns it. Develop it in yourself and it will get your children.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/readwithkid?w=wall-46053087_17902

Surprisingly, the son of a successful writer for a long time did not like to read. He wasn't interested. He was reading a predetermined program at the school, but the pleasure of books not received. James Patterson has tried to write something special for your own son, because millions of adults read his books!
Perhaps teenage prose also happens... to be a good Experience, the reader was satisfied. And James liked the new experience. But Jack was from the category of those children whom the books had to be tamed gradually. The story has a happy ending, and today Jack is non-stop reading machine. And it is difficult to imagine that he didn't like the book.
Own experience with James Patterson, shared with parents, who want to read has become one of the main Hobbies of the child. Of course, the advice to write suitable to the interests of the child a book in the list of tips was not included. But if you want to — let you will succeed!
Start today. Not tomorrow. Not in the new quarters. But today. Today, and don't let it be Monday. Take the book in hand and read it aloud in the evening, your child or entire family as a whole, without a difference. To instill a love of reading can only be by example. If he doesn't see you reading, he'll never believe that reading is interesting.
You must have at least a rough list of books to read, books that need the child's age and interests. Talk to him, find out what he likes: what subject, what genre (comic books — the same books!), as it is convenient to read books with thick cover, pocket size, electronic. And compile this list. Not only for him. But also for themselves.
Ask for help to the librarian if you can't find modern books for your child. Librarians are the nicest people and know so much about the books. Ask them to pick up something for your child. At the same time join themselves to the library is a good place to stay.
You will need to read all these books independently. You can read together with your child the same book, for example, you morning, evening, or out loud to each other. But to understand his feeling, possible thoughts, questions, to really talk to him about books and not just ask: "have you Read? Like?", you need to know the books to be read by your child. They need to read. And then you become a liar if you to advise a book, and do not read a single line from it.
Don't do drama, if the child chooses the e-book, not the paper, in cloth binding. Electronic books — the same books, if in them the main text instead of printing wonders.
Call your child's friends to their homes for evening discussions of books, even if they like to join your reading club, call the relatives, prepare the treats (nuts, chips, soda will do), if just for the book does not go.
If you need motivation in the form of awards, not crevices, reward. Even adults love to win prizes, and children especially. Consider its reward system: for example, after every three books read — a trip to the cinema or a new car in the collection.
Travel with your books. Encourage your child to take the book he is reading, or he loves, or both. You can read everywhere — in line at the station, in the car, in a boring hotel, lying down, sitting, standing, eating, falling asleep. The book is the best friend, he needs to be there.
Why didn't anybody tell me that in 20?
The 20 best books to read to children before bedtime
How would you decide to read, do it without tension, with good humor, without pathos.
And remember, the gift of the reader can transmit only one who owns it. Develop it in yourself and it will get your children.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/readwithkid?w=wall-46053087_17902
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