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How to uproot stumps on the plot

Usually this wood is of no value and is cut completely (with a few exceptions, but in this last case, the owner of "species" the plot of our advice do not need). Spruce, birch, alder and all the other krasnolesie cut down fast enough, but their roots and stumps can deliver a lot of trouble. For example, to screw a screw pile you have will not work. Traditional Foundation from the plate to put "on stumps" is also better not.

Therefore, stumps and roots will have to uproot. If they are relatively few — it is possible to do it manually. Four men with axes, crowbars and a winch, in principle, replace a small excavator, but their fee in the amount close to the cost of the engine change.

Manual method

Manually it is possible to remove from the soil not only the stump, but the entire root system. Of course, it's a hell of a job, and the use of mechanization here is very limited. To use the chain saw to the ground is very difficult (clogged rollers, and the saw will be ruined). More applicable disk cutter (see below on the crusher), but the advantages of a good axe is not obvious.

In winter, remove stumps by hand is almost impossible (the frozen ground will not let the roots, and large stumps, even old and decaying, in the cold, freeze and become "stone").

And yet - where to start? Let's face it: security. In manual works, just need gloves and plastic glasses.

Then the stump acapulca from all sides at a certain depth, often in a few tens of centimeters. Exposed roots obryvayutsya from the stump and extracted from the soil (preferably by means of a lever — scrap or something like that). You can use the winch — if you manage to find a foothold. For example, you can gain a foothold (or have cable) for detached strong tree (so not to cut them all cleaned).

 With the use of the tractorit would Seem, what could be easier? However, there are disadvantages. Of course, you will need to free entrance to the deleted objects. Next: the adjacent areas and roads are most likely spoiled. In addition, the tractor will almost inevitably ruin the surrounding trees and bushes (if you care). And most importantly, the ordering of the tractor is quite expensive and becomes cost-effective if you clean more or less large area.

Often a combined technique is used (such as light tractors TEREX). It combines the functions of excavator, bulldozer and, say, a hammer. It is advisable to use all functions of the tractor: for example, you can advance to bring the soil to the filling (after removing the stump, your site will be defaced by holes) and using the tractor as a bulldozer, then these holes remove.

There is a caveat: low, swampy areas are often inaccessible even with the tractor (especially the wheel). The more it develops, the stress, the sooner you will get screwed into the ground.

Removal of stumps crusher

Yes, it is appropriate to talk not about the uprooting and removal of stumps by milling and crushing. It is often used manual technique — for example, compact wheel crusher company Laski (despite the pleasant name, is quite powerful and effective), similar mechanisms from Husqwarna and from other manufacturers. Such mechanisms (manual and self-propelled) with a special disc cutter will smash your stump to the ground and below. And you will be able to control the diameter of the recess, the depth of the formed pits, and so on.

And yet the crushing disc mill for stumps has its limitations. As a rule, she can't go for removal of residual stump by more than 30 cm (for garden landscaping, this may suffice, but for Foundation works very little). Ineffective (and even dangerous) this way when you remove stumps in cluttered areas, for example, after the construction works. Any piece of rebar or stone can break the cutter, and it is not cheap.

Also used a rotary cutter (hydraulic manipulator). To observe how such a milling cutter vertically cutting into the stump, is a pleasure. But it has disadvantages: the stump-it will destroy, but the roots have to cut and remove from the land manually.

Removing tree stumps by chemical meansthe Use of chemical reagents to destroy the stumps and roots may lead to the horror of environmentalist, but not of the Builder. Interestingly, using chemistry it is possible to remove not only the above-ground part of the stump, but the young shoots.

This is normally the nitrate (sodium or potassium) — incidentally, one of the components of gunpowder. However, this method is time-consuming and laborious. First, in the stump fall asleep nitrate, and then (a few months or even a year) burned a regular fire. In this burn the underground part of the old stump.

Also used ammonium nitrate (urea). In this case, even to burn the stump is not necessary. "Monitorina" of the stump this method will take three years.

All the same, this method is good except for a huge, old, deep-rooted stumps in the middle of a landscaped area, that is where other methods are not applicable.

There are even more exotic and quite aesthetic method: removal of tree stumps with mushrooms. A rotten tree stump to colonize the mycelium of edible mushrooms (nameko, shiitake and so on). A stump covered with mushrooms, can become a decoration of the garden (but maybe not). One way or another for five years, the mushrooms will completely destroy the stump — and all these five years you will be on the table fresh mushrooms (please understand us correctly).

Say a little bit about why it is necessary to remove stumps, even if they are initially well into the landscape and do not interfere with construction. Stumps are harmful to the surrounding plantings, and for man too. After a year of dead wood becomes a haven for all sorts of harmful organisms (starting with the beetles, the beetles to various larvae). Also the stump will inevitably serve as a distributor and a "provocateur" of various diseases (including human, such as asthma), will be a source of mold and rot throughout the station. Therefore, the stumps should apply the most stringent measures, and to choose them correctly, you can go back to the beginning of this material. published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-25901/