Scientists have created a rocket biofuels.
Scientists from the Bulgarian town of Kyustendil, known for its chereshnevyj gardens and an annual festival dedicated to this fruit, developed on the basis of its new environmentally friendly fuel for anti-hail of mini-missiles.
Combustible material has been obtained from biomass with a high concentration of sugar, which is formed as a result of primary processing of berries. To start a five-pound rocket to a height of 600 meters and more, just a few tablespoons of this substance. For processing selected overripe or damaged berries unsuitable for consumption.
As noted by the authors of innovation, with such an alternative solid fuel are completely eliminated toxic chlorine emissions. Furthermore, the embodiment is characterized by the cheapness and safety.
The first tests of missiles for chemical treatment of hail clouds, tucked chereshnevym fuel were successful. According to experts, the mini-missiles of this type can be applied in other research projects. published
Source: greenevolution.ru/2016/08/30/uchenye-sozdali-raketnoe-biotoplivo-iz-chereshni/

Combustible material has been obtained from biomass with a high concentration of sugar, which is formed as a result of primary processing of berries. To start a five-pound rocket to a height of 600 meters and more, just a few tablespoons of this substance. For processing selected overripe or damaged berries unsuitable for consumption.
As noted by the authors of innovation, with such an alternative solid fuel are completely eliminated toxic chlorine emissions. Furthermore, the embodiment is characterized by the cheapness and safety.

The first tests of missiles for chemical treatment of hail clouds, tucked chereshnevym fuel were successful. According to experts, the mini-missiles of this type can be applied in other research projects. published
Source: greenevolution.ru/2016/08/30/uchenye-sozdali-raketnoe-biotoplivo-iz-chereshni/
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