Inna Yarova
Circle last
sleeping February-heir,
the coat of arms surname
the subtlety of monograms...
The average age,
mystery reserved
a strict set of round-shouldered
languid lights.
Edit zryashnoe,
dreams burning,
in the morning – ice on the eyelids
a tray of tea...
White cloud
flies into the former.
Honey, don't be sad.
Snow over the city
gray no end of trouble,
the full moon
reigns of sorrow.
Heart skipped a beat
stood the bell,
and filled with
the thrill of the Grail.
What I want the City?
He has long been elderly
The Emperor, Warrior,
Architect, Jester...
Oh, damn cold!
Leaves the old heap.
To sleep if...
Yes, the border here
hold – cherish.
God's Providence
in a dark room –
the jewel of cane
a lovely minuet...
Whisper timid lips.
What do You remember
I forgot You
City Poet?

Circle last
sleeping February-heir,
the coat of arms surname
the subtlety of monograms...
The average age,
mystery reserved
a strict set of round-shouldered
languid lights.
Edit zryashnoe,
dreams burning,
in the morning – ice on the eyelids
a tray of tea...
White cloud
flies into the former.
Honey, don't be sad.
Snow over the city
gray no end of trouble,
the full moon
reigns of sorrow.
Heart skipped a beat
stood the bell,
and filled with
the thrill of the Grail.
What I want the City?
He has long been elderly
The Emperor, Warrior,
Architect, Jester...
Oh, damn cold!
Leaves the old heap.
To sleep if...
Yes, the border here
hold – cherish.
God's Providence
in a dark room –
the jewel of cane
a lovely minuet...
Whisper timid lips.
What do You remember
I forgot You
City Poet?