The story of saving puppies in Romania. These videos impossible to watch without tears

How some people treat animals is shocking. Both in a negative and positive sense. Just like in the story, where the Website wants you to share today. In Romania pedestrians found on the street four puppies. Someone doused them with tar and left to die. One kid especially got: his ears, his eyes, his whole face was covered with poisonous crust.

Photo source: Pikabu.Gina happiness, kids, people passing by had the sense to call the activists of animal protection organizations. Katalin, Paveliu, founder of the animal protection organization Sky Foundation for Animal Rights took the puppies home and spent a few hours clearing them from frozen tar. It was a long and painstaking work. In some places the tar is already stuck firmly, and the wool had to be completely shaved.

As a result, all four adorable doggies again become clean. Now their health is not in danger. The poor man was so frightened that at first did not dare even to take food from human hands. Now these adorable puppies live in the apartment of his Savior, who came to tell their story to the world in the hope to quickly find them a new home. How nice that this story has a happy ending!

This is a real battle between good and evil, between sadism and kindness, which each day unfolds on our streets and in our hearts.

via pikabu.ru/story/istoriya_spaseniya_shchenkov_v_rumyinii_4439538
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