13 images that understand everyone who is crazy about dogs

Most people love dogs, and some do not imagine life without pets. There is nothing strange, because it is difficult not to succumb to the charm of our four-legged friends, and do not fall in love with them without memory.
Website I wonder if any of you know ardent admirers of dogs or can be is yourself?
It's me every time I see a dog

someone selfie smartphone, and I have here is

and can not even ask a Snapchat-filter my favorite

My reaction to that one finally got a dog and I can invite himself to visit

well, if I'm busy at work and can not come, then I will certainly call

my face, when someone lets me pat their little dog

and no barriers will not stop me, if there is a dog who can pat

So I behave when accidentally stepping on a dog paw

A so - when he learned that passed the law impairs the right dog

I am perplexed, when I hear that someone does not like dogs

And sob uncontrollably when in the movie dies dog

If you ask me how I see myself 10 years later, here's my answer 55,687,025
because I believe that true happiness looks exactly 22,745,502
Photos on the preview: imgur.com
See also:
15 breeds of dogs, a reality that is hard to believe
This dog mimicry more abruptly than some Hollywood stars
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