AI defeated man in air combat simulation

view from the side during the battle. Icons marked space rocket explosions. One of the two blue fighters destroyed, leaving the second place battle. All Red fighters under the control of AI evaded enemy missiles
Perhaps many years later people would be sent to war not young men, and unmanned combat vehicles, computer-controlled. And not only to save lives, but also for another reason: because the protein intelligence just do not able to counter the sophisticated maneuvers and computer instant reaction
. Engineers continue to improve combat software for management of modern weapons - and have already achieved some success. In a recently conducted tests of artificial intelligence system Alpha with four virtual fighter successfully defended the coastline from the two attackers fighter with superior weapons, managed by former Colonel US Air Force Jin Lee (Gene Lee). According to some experts, the AI behavior, his maneuvers and the outcome of air combat look

Colonel US Air Force Jin Lee during the battle with artificial intelligence system on Alpha
Alpha program developed by a team of specialists from the University of Cincinnati, Psibernetix defense company and the US Air Force Research Laboratory (Air Force Research Laboratory).
At its creation methods applied fuzzy logic - namely to create so-called "fuzzy tree» (fuzzy tree), constructed using genetic algorithms (Genetic Fuzzy Tree, GFT). Apparently, this is the most appropriate approach for information processing in real time and decision-making during an air battle.

Example layout Fuzzy Tree
Methods of fuzzy logic has long been studied and applied, but developers Alpha managed to adapt them to the actual combat missions and to show that even a low-budget personal computer worth $ 500 is able to process data in real time and take appropriate decisions, defeating professional pilots-people.
In modern air combat fighters converge at speeds of more than 2000 km / h (eg, the maximum F-35 fighter speed of 1,900 km / h, the Su-35 - 2,400 km / h). At such speeds, the outcome of the battle decided microseconds. Accordingly, on Alpha program developers set a goal to use the mistakes of the enemy pilots, but they are inevitable due to the imperfection of the human body, which is physically unable to react to events in real-time or close to it). As developers write, AI can review and coordinate the most appropriate tactical plan and trajectory maneuvers in a dynamic environment is 250 times faster than a person will have time to blink
Obviously, co-ordination of several fighters also carried out much faster if they synchronously controls a computer program instead of several individual pilots, the negotiators on the radio and try to coordinate their actions.
Alpha program has been repeatedly defeated people-pilots, including giving them a head start in the missile armament, speed, maneuverability, and sensors. But there is another thing. Colonel Jean Lee is not just a former professional pilot (he ended his career as an air battle manager - air battle manager, that the driver is not in the traditional view), he is one of the best specialists in the world is on fights in the computer simulations. Colonel with 1980 participating in such trials, battling with various computer programs that attempt to defeat him.
In the military field, such Alpha program is akin to winning the chess computer Deep Blue victory over GM.
Jin Lee himself was also impressed with the program Alpha: «I am surprised how aware and how it responds quickly, - he said. - She seemed to know my intentions and immediately respond to rate changes and the deployment of missiles. She knew how to parry the blow, and instantly went from defensive actions to attack if necessary. "
Jin Lee said that after hours of gaming sessions against Alpha returned home completely exhausted and emotionally devastated, "This can not be real intelligence, but it is a worthy opponent," - confessed to the American pilot

disposition before the battle. Fighter Group under the control of artificial intelligence is marked in red

Maneuvers with wings red team

first and second stages of the training mission

third and fourth stages of the training mission

type training mission by indicating the following to the fourth stage

fifth and sixth stages of the training mission
In the future, AI systems like this can be used to control these combat fighters and drones, which are now controlled by the operator remotely.

Military Drone remote control
At first, certainly the use of artificial intelligence would be prohibited by international conventions, it is now prohibited cluster munitions, chemical weapons, biological weapons, napalm, landmines, climatic weapons and other weapons, which give one of the opponents of an unfair advantage.
But history shows that the rules of war are not always respected. It happens that one of the parties is ready to use in order to win even dishonest methods of warfare. If it is empty in the course of artificial intelligence - probably others have no choice but to respond in kind. And then the third world war threatens to turn into a war of programmers, as the Second World War in a sense, was a war of "the invisible Front fighters" - and cryptographers cryptographers who tried to declassify the enemy's communications, which immediately gave a huge advantage
. Even if the use of AI in actual combat is prohibited, such tools are suitable for pilot training and as a support system during non-combat operations.
Scientific work with the results of artificial intelligence Alpha trials published in the journal Journal of Defense Management (doi: 10.4172 / 2167-0374.1000144, pdf).
Source: geektimes.ru/post/277864/