Napoi aphids "Coca-Cola" to death: killer drink! I hear it for the first time…
With the first month of summer aphid gradually begins to capture our gardens. Some gardeners gardeners run to the store for chemicals against pests, others begin to conjure with different biological compositions ...
«Website» knows effective remedy for aphids , affordable, harmless to plants and ... sweet!
How to get rid of aphids in saduTebe need 2 liters of "Coca-cola» 3 tbsp. l. liquid soap sprayer
Progress Shaking the bottle and opening the lid, slowly released from the drink all the gas. Add the liquid soap and mix. Screw the bottle sprayer and sprayed onto the aphids this cocktail. dusts should be 1 every 2 weeks. Death is inevitable pests!
The ingenious trick for the garden! The tool is perfect for the treatment of roses, currant bushes, fruit trees, cabbage. It also attracts ladybugs to the site, which is known to be big fans feast on aphids.
Share this with your friends by gardeners: they will be grateful

«Website» knows effective remedy for aphids , affordable, harmless to plants and ... sweet!
How to get rid of aphids in saduTebe need 2 liters of "Coca-cola» 3 tbsp. l. liquid soap sprayer

Progress Shaking the bottle and opening the lid, slowly released from the drink all the gas. Add the liquid soap and mix. Screw the bottle sprayer and sprayed onto the aphids this cocktail. dusts should be 1 every 2 weeks. Death is inevitable pests!
The ingenious trick for the garden! The tool is perfect for the treatment of roses, currant bushes, fruit trees, cabbage. It also attracts ladybugs to the site, which is known to be big fans feast on aphids.
Share this with your friends by gardeners: they will be grateful
2 cups of this drink per day can help lose weight and lower blood sugar! Only seeds and boiling water.
Even my mother does not know these tricks! Number 14 rescue, when it seems that all is lost ...