You would not believe what this could mean the color lacquer on the nails!
Despite the new-fangled trends in manicure, few people really listen to the advice of well-known designers. Often the girls want to stand out and choose the color of nail polish on their own, not relying on someone else's opinion. It turns out that you can learn a lot about a person's character, on the basis of the choice of nail polish colors! And what color do you prefer?
How to determine a person's character
How to determine a person's character
- Black
It is usually chosen power girls who are not averse to take the reins in their delicate hands. This strong-willed and self-sufficient representative of the female half of humanity. Often the way for the iron lady hiding thin and vulnerable person.
red or burgundy color
Special fondness for scarlet manicure show passionate and emotional person. But this is not always the case, many women are choosing this color when just crave to look passionate and full of vitality.
It is chosen by nature gentle, vulnerable and sensitive. Often, they need a strong man's shoulder for making critical decisions.
Attracts the attention of women, who are experts in entertainment, they are amorous, bold and active. Also, they are inherent forgetfulness, disorganization, and a tendency to irrational acts.
blue color
Choose a quiet, safe, peaceful and serene the fairer sex. By the way, these girls often odnolyubki and endlessly loyal to their chosen one.
Green manicure prefer ladies with a balanced, sweet temper. Also, his chosen lady, who lack the closest attention, they find an outlet in reading books and virtual communication.
They love those ladies who seem nice and scattered. In fact, they are very practical, prudent and have good intuition. Despite the outward sentimentality and immaturity, they are cold-blooded and farsighted.
A good solution for every girl will be the choice of nail color, depending on the situation. If you have a serious business meeting, try to make up nails purple varnish. You will gain self-confidence and increase your chances of success!
Do not forget to share with your friends this interesting article and learn about new manicure in 2016!
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