Try to see this post and do not want to cuddle baby
Sweet baby chubby cheeks - what else in the world could be more beautiful? But when the kids are small and wonderful, almost impossible to resist and not pricked them.
< Website I have prepared for you the most mimimishny post, after which and wants to cuddle all the crumbs.
Are you ready for the beach season?
But if bad weather does not matter - dissolve more foam and you can splash around!
In-oh-oh-oh-oh-t such onlookers.
Sweet Bee the sweetest of dreams.
And who woke me up?
What could be more tender mother's hands?
And the most powerful and reliable - always a daddy.
Once again forced to eat the porridge.
Here fruit puree - is another matter.
Hush, sir, here is sleeping princess.
And then hid hare Dasha.
all healthy and happy kids!
Photos on the preview: © Vlad Antonov
via www.adme.ru/contest/photo2016/works/parenthood/134560/