If you eat honey for health purposes, it is the only way! 25 g for a powerful effect.
Liqueur glass of the drink helped me to cope with the constant pressure jumps. I drink it before dinner, because in the afternoon the pressure usually rises ... Connecting two wonderful ingredients proved miraculous! What a pity that I learned about this recipe is only now - you need to start taking medicine useful a few years ago
Wine with mёdomIngredienty
Such treatment - a real pleasure! Try this powerful tool, which improves the body's resistance to disease and helps to cope with the problems that already exist. Wish your friends well-being by showing them this article!

Wine with mёdomIngredienty
- 1 l
- dry red wine 500 grams of honey
Preparation Mix wine with honey Pour the mixture into a glass bottle. Keep honey elixir in the refrigerator. Drink a glass of liqueur (capacity 25 ml) of this tool on a daily basis, preferably before eating lunch.
Therapeutic effect - Adjust the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion. Useful for indigestion.
Such treatment - a real pleasure! Try this powerful tool, which improves the body's resistance to disease and helps to cope with the problems that already exist. Wish your friends well-being by showing them this article!
The secret of the world-famous fitness model: 6 exercises to firm and taut priests!
Uzbek Aliyeva - something more than just a roll. Always cook just 2!