17 notes on the strong and independent women
We love the beautiful half of humanity for many things, but especially for the ingenuity, spontaneity and self-esteem.
< Website has collected 17 letters from the self-contained world, but such lovely ladies.
And not a minute later!
The house needs to command someone one.
Immediately relieved by heart!
Marry only want evil women who do not like cats.
The woman - the most valuable employee
H - Honesty
Girl, I want you to borscht.
Well, what else is criminal?
Hats. Spoilage.
And why all the passengers scared?
Because otherwise, and the sea is not for me. And a new dress, too.
Work work, and lunch schedule.
However, as I am.
Business approach.
Soiskatelnits please do not envy.
Smart woman will always find a way out of any situation, wise - it does not get
Let us also that during the summer will be! And maybe it is not necessary to lose weight.
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