22.05. Powders, paints, intelligent and cunning Sheffield Colgate

Teeth, I tell you, and know how to clean before discovered America. But Shaw with the right smile can have an additional gesheft, invented still there. I do not know for sho had a conversation when it dawned, the air there is a special influence or quite the opposite, when the world appeared complacent additional tube, but - the fact. For the smile necessary degree of confidence is understandable, Shaw needed teeth and such, Schaub interlocutor appeared involuntary desire to smile back, but do not get with this nervous tic. So sho go to the dentist and powders to rub the teeth on the other side of the Atlantic are accustomed. And, after a long time rubbing only powders, because the pharmacist to paste Colgate guessed already from the year 1873. These powders are shoved in paper bags, sho it was wildly uncomfortable for the operation and infuriated honest users. Incidentally, if you think you sho paste so immediately identified the familiar tubes, something very wrong. They still had to come up with. And because the said Colgate defined his pasta in glass containers, Shaw was not much better than in bags, and sometimes worse.
So on, in the year 1892 and a pioneer dentist Washington Sheffield said, "Sha. I still give you what you want to sho. " A third ears before he realized sho already fifty years ago some muff their paint in tubes of tin kept. Train of thought, I think, was, "Shaw Picture sho tooth consistency the same - pasta. So why not? »
And the same was at 100% of rights. Convenience over previous packages turned out unusual, tubes were in flight. But - there is America. Not only have his head come up Schaub. In the invented should be in a hurry to issue the paper, and Sheffield is still soon realized. While he performed an Indian dance of joy, singing: "Who done? - I'm done, "cunning and the aforementioned Colgate patent itself has recorded and began to push in tubes not only paste for teeth. Shaw is quite natural, because the differences between the consistency of various ointments and creams from the same paste? In principle - nothing. A little thinner, a little thick - are one. And who had to end up with this gesheft, guess from three times?