Russian Oak: Young Bodybuilder looks exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most famous bodybuilder of all time - and the point. His influence in the world of fitness is legendary, and as a result, he is full of twins who smoke cigars, lift weights and to imitate his accent. But the Russian 21-year-old bodybuilder Anton Ryskin definitely stands out from the crowd - they Arnie practically clones
Of course, he has not yet reached the impressive size of the adult Arnold, but in fact he was only twenty! One can not deny the similarity between them - just look at his physique, posing style and, of course, face. Ryskin even ordered a Gold's Gym T-shirt, to recreate the classic image of the Austrian Oak. Here are a few photos with his instagrama:
I dont want environment to create me. I want to create this environment. #mrolympia #amateurmrolympia #oldschoolbodybuilding #oldschool #oldschoolphysique #oldschoolclassic #classicbodybuilding #arnoldclassic #goldenerabodybuilding #goldeneraphysique #goldenaesthetics #bodybuilding #knowyourclassics #natty #natural #naturalversusunnatural #intermittentfasting
A photo posted by Anton Ryskin (@russian_oak) on Mar 18, 2016 at 1:42 am PDT
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Of course, he has not yet reached the impressive size of the adult Arnold, but in fact he was only twenty! One can not deny the similarity between them - just look at his physique, posing style and, of course, face. Ryskin even ordered a Gold's Gym T-shirt, to recreate the classic image of the Austrian Oak. Here are a few photos with his instagrama:
I dont want environment to create me. I want to create this environment. #mrolympia #amateurmrolympia #oldschoolbodybuilding #oldschool #oldschoolphysique #oldschoolclassic #classicbodybuilding #arnoldclassic #goldenerabodybuilding #goldeneraphysique #goldenaesthetics #bodybuilding #knowyourclassics #natty #natural #naturalversusunnatural #intermittentfasting
A photo posted by Anton Ryskin (@russian_oak) on Mar 18, 2016 at 1:42 am PDT
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