Russia Against NATO: Compare The latest military equipment

The other day the head of the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom Michael Fallon said that the participants of the alliance entered into a new arms race with Russia - as in the times of "cold war»
. "Russia, of course, is modernizing its nuclear defense, in the same way as their conventional armed forces", - quotes Fallon newspaper Times
. According to the United Kingdom's Secretary of Defense, NATO and, in particular, the United Kingdom are ready to answer the "saber rattling, which is distributed by the Russian Federation" and increase spending on improving their defense capabilities. According to one version, which results in the same Times, the British Minister made such a speech after Russian warships allegedly came too close to the four NATO vessels in the Baltic Sea.
The tank "Armata" and the Leopard 2A7Tank "Armata" with a fully digitally controlled and isolated armored capsule for crew accommodation was presented on the Red Square during Victory Day parade May 9, 2015. It is noteworthy that even before the official demonstration tank caused a public hot interest, especially abroad.

The main opponent of «Almaty was» often called German tank Leopard 2A7. It is a modernized version of the Dutch war machine Leopard 2A6NL. The main instrument of the enhanced "Leopard" - smoothbore gun, 120mm 1500 liters. a. The tank is also provided a digital fire control system. However, the weight of the "Leopard" 20% more.

"Coalition CB» and «M109A6 Paladin" Another Russian military innovation shown in the Victory Parade and caused a lively interest of the West - propelled howitzer "Coalition CB" with the barrel caliber 152 mm . A machine designed to destroy tanks, armored vehicles, nuclear weapons, as well as mortar and artillery batteries in Nizhny Novgorod Research company "Petrel". Key features of the self-propelled howitzer - automatic generation of modular propellant charge, the system can fire in all corners of the guidance, automated selection of types of projectiles and modular charges. Also, the machine is equipped with a control module for crew accommodation, a satellite navigation system.

One of the closest equivalent of NATO guns in the same segment - American 155 mm self-propelled artillery installation M109A6 Paladin Features of this version: automatic fire control system, improved combat protection and cladding. Kevlar (high strength fiber), onboard ballistic computer, an automatic guidance system.

Su-35 and F-35Rossiysky multifunctional super-maneuverable fighter Su-35 is a modernized version of the Su-27 machines. At the core of its management system is a radar with a phased antenna array, which has unique characteristics in the number of tracked targets and their range of detection. The maximum speed of the Su-27 at an altitude of 11,000 meters is 2250 km / h.

One of the closest "opponents" of the Su-35 - American fighter of the fifth generation of F-35 2065 km / h

AK-12 Automatic concern "Kalashnikov" and automatic rifle M16A4 "Kalashnikov" in AK-12 modifications (model 2012) has retained the classic shock automation, but became 100 grams lighter than its predecessor - the AK-74 - and got shortened the body a little bit shifted forward grip and improved trigger mechanism that allows to recharge the machine with one hand. In winter 2015 the AK-12 was chosen as the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as the main weapon of military equipment "Warrior».

The main "enemy" Kalashnikov - the American M16 automatic rifle and its numerous modifications. As an example, one of the last -. < M16A4 , is used today in the United States Marine Corps

Anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 and the MIM-104 "Patriot" air defense missile system S-400 family is considered one of the most powerful and most effective air defense systems in the world. A design office "Almaz-Antey" on the basis of S-300P. The missile system designed to destroy air targets all types of cruise missiles, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles. The speed of the targeted objectives - up to 4800 m / s 5-10 minutes ), and also increased the range ( 400 km ), the speed and the number of targeted objectives.
SAM family of C-400 put into service in 2007.

The basis of the tactical air defense of the United States Army air defense missile system MIM-104 "Patriot". In accordance with the tactical and technical characteristics, SAM "Patriot" can intercept and destroy targets, which speed is 2500 m / s , at a distance of 100 km . Time deployment of complex - 25 minutes

Mi-28 "Night Hunter" and AH-64 "Apache" combat helicopter Mi-28N is designed Moscow Helicopter Plant. Mil. "Night Hunter" is equipped with a 30 mm gun (ammunition - 1200 shells , rate - up to 900 shots per minute). Armament also includes missiles "Air-air", "air-ground" rockets Hydra-70. The cruising speed of the helicopter - 265 km / h , the maximum speed in level flight - 324 km / h
. The first car in this modification came in the Russian Armed Forces in 2008.

American Academy 64 "Apache" is by far the leading helicopter gunships NATO. The cruising speed of the machine, equipped with 30-mm cannon ( 625 shots in a minute), - 293 km / h , and the maximum speed - 365 kilometers per hour strong >.
Compared with the "Night Hunter" American "Apache" is easier to nearly three tons. However, the Russian helicopter has more powerful engines, which gives him an advantage in the flight characteristics and maximum combat load.

Manufacturers and the American and Russian cars equally emphasize the possibility of using helicopters in any weather and time of day.
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