30. 04. How to create an empire. Louisiana Purchase

1803 Napoleon bowed to Spain, bringing North American possessions of the defeated party came under French jurisdiction. Americans are looking at it, a little thoughtful: Trade issues were also problems with the previous owners, and now so do not understand what to expect from the Emperor's orderly.
Thomas Jefferson, who was then president, took the decision to purchase New Orleans and the eastern part of Louisiana on the Mississippi River. And sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to Paris to grind for this thing. The object of purchase - New Orleans and the surrounding area. Who knew then that will roll out in response to the French.
And those first said firmly: "On ...". But as time passed, France has happened in her close-Benz estates in San Dominica and Guadeloupe (slave uprising, the transition nekotoye officers and other pleasures of colonial life). Plus Monsieur Bonaparte greatly soured relations with Britain and had specifically on the construction of the fleet and works in Europe. All this required cache. And with regards to Louisiana - so all could easily bite off without any money. And Napoleon gave the go-ahead: sell
. When the Americans said that it is necessary to buy a little bit more, I took a slight shock: of course, had in mind the neighborhood of New Orleans, but not up to the 50th parallel in the North and the Rocky Mountains in the West. However, the French side continued not you worry - for Orleans, and even a little bit of land, you were willing to pay 10 million, and now five throws - and take away to hell. Eat, do not choke. So sho, I say to you, in America itself still mnogine were against. Say, exacerbated float between north and south, greatly disturbed the obligation to grant American citizenship to all the French, Spaniards and free blacks, some in Louisiana were a dime a dozen. Again, there were doubts that these people are not accustomed to democracy, will become full-fledged citizens.
And based on this epic confrontation Vice President Aaron Burr slammed in a duel of Alexander Hamilton.
But the mercy of France. For the price of 7 cents per hectare, Schaub you understand. And this is not the permafrost (gold and other oil then dug in Alaska), and absolutely gorgeous land. In good, there is, of course, the Indians lived and owned it to them, but who care (though, tribes also then paid compensation for their territory)
Another bit of information. Now this:
-yuzhnaya part of Minnesota,
-Most of the state of North Dakota,
-practically the entire state of South Dakota,
-severo-eastern part of New Mexico,
-Most of the State of Montana,
-part of Wyoming,
-severnaya part of Texas,
-East half of Colorado,
Louisiana -part (on both sides of the Mississippi River), including the city of New Orleans.
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