18 Raging Shots On How They fight the people's choice

"The fight between deputies - is a consequence of stagnation in the pelvic area," - so in 2005, one of our famous athlete once jokingly commented spirited episode in the State Duma with the participation of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Like, people with sedentary work is necessary from time to time to disperse the blood, "while not fully understanding" warm up in this way - the most lovely thing. By the way, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and he once gave aphorism that "the best weapon - a different point of view." Absurd? But admire, as it is sometimes used legislators from different countries: we have selected for you the most spectacular shots in the photo archives of RIA News and Reuters
LDPR vs.. «Rodina»
When: March 30, 2005
Cause: The results of the elections in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
During this brawl Zhirinovsky month deprived of voting rights at meetings of the Duma. However, at that time he was not the first to let his fists, but still the head of the Liberal Democratic Party - the undisputed leader in the number of slaughters in Parliament and outside it

Basil Shandybin vs. Alexander Fedulov
When: 7 February 2003
Reason: Fedulov independent MP has called the head of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov a "political prostitute number one in Russia »
The late Communist Vasily Shandybin ranked second among the fighters after the Duma Zhirinovsky. "Vasily Ivanovich, you are his crush, do not touch" - unsuccessfully exhorted his then Speaker Gennady Seleznev, and Fedulova punished for "offensive", depriving the words before the end of the meeting

Ukrainian opposition vs. "Party of Regions»
Reason: Russian Black Sea Fleet based in Crimea allowed to 2042
The Verkhovna Rada has long been considered the arena of "cock-fighting", but on the day they first took such a scale and fierce. In the course were put eggs from which the Tribune tried to protect themselves with umbrellas, as well as smoke bombs. On Russian TV the incident ironically called a new "Battle of Sevastopol».

Rada VII convocation: all against all
When: December 12, 2012
< br> reason

Ukrainian Communists vs. nationalists "Freedom»
When: 8 April 2014

When the media spread this image to Reuters, jokers bloggers noticed that it turned out so harmonious in composition that at least write to him now, and hang in a frame. So as not to agree?

And what is in the "advanced democracies"? And there is not all the "gentlemen entirely».
< United States
June 7, 2007 in the Senate of Alabama Republican Charles Bishop punched by

Reform "hit in the head": October 26, 2011 deputies of Claudio Barbaro (left) and Fabio Ranieri clutching at each other, unable to withstand the glow passions around austerity

And here is the fresh turmoil: September 17, 2015, Japanese lawmakers remembered martial arts, discussing the amendments which for the first time after the end of World War II allowed the country's army to fight abroad

The second photo, by the way, proves that women politicians fighting spirit developed at times no less than men. . Here are a couple of examples
State Duma deputy of the first convocation Eugene Tishkovsky against all of the same Zhirinovsky, September 9, 1995:

But since July 26, 1994 to resolve political disagreements women deputies in Parliament Taiwan:

But, of course, men, for obvious reasons, always cocky


Hong Kong:


Again returning to the native land. Russia's chief bully Vladimir Zhirinovsky managed to arrange a new scandal for the second day of the autumn session of the State Duma on 16 September. This time it infuriated "shameless skater," United Russia deputy Irina Rodnina, which, as he put it, "his brains composted," until he spoke from the rostrum.

Fortunately, as a result of the outbreak of anger only got the podium on which the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party in the hearts slammed his fist. Let us hope that those and limited.
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