Jet Pack International Vice President crashed on jetpacks (alive, stable condition)
Vide-president of Jet Pack International, manufacturer jetpacks, fell from a height of 3 to 6 meters while testing the next innovation in the unit in Denver. Nick Macomber is alive, it has already been discharged from the hospital, and the state is estimated by doctors as stable. The Federal Aviation Administration United States are investigating the incident.
In June 2003, the three friends founded the company Jet P.I. LLC with the aim to build a jetpack from scratch. The results can be seen on video in Youtube. For example, this year in the Samsung Galaxy S7 presentation in Ireland participated in the knapsack man: it landed exactly on the platform with the logo of the Korean manufacturer of smartphones and the name of the new model.
Demonstration jetpack in Dublin, presentation of Samsung Galaxy S7:
Total Nick Macomber raised in the air at more than 400 times knapsack. But on Friday he was not lucky: during the testing of a new version of the device having problems with management, and it is with a height of six meters down headlong. Doctors have imposed him 27 stitches, and on Saturday April 9 pilot was discharged from hospital to home.
The older version of jetpacks from Jet Pack International is held in the air 33 seconds, flying 700 meters, its speed is up to 120 kilometers per hour. Maximum flight height - 70 meters. The capacity of the fuel tanks of 20 liters, using hydrogen peroxide. The pilot must not weigh more than 81 kilograms
In 2006, using a knapsack pilot flying off the post Royal George in Colorado:.
Nick Macomber demonstrated satchel Go Fast in July 2015 in Beijing:
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274080/

In June 2003, the three friends founded the company Jet P.I. LLC with the aim to build a jetpack from scratch. The results can be seen on video in Youtube. For example, this year in the Samsung Galaxy S7 presentation in Ireland participated in the knapsack man: it landed exactly on the platform with the logo of the Korean manufacturer of smartphones and the name of the new model.
Demonstration jetpack in Dublin, presentation of Samsung Galaxy S7:
Total Nick Macomber raised in the air at more than 400 times knapsack. But on Friday he was not lucky: during the testing of a new version of the device having problems with management, and it is with a height of six meters down headlong. Doctors have imposed him 27 stitches, and on Saturday April 9 pilot was discharged from hospital to home.
The older version of jetpacks from Jet Pack International is held in the air 33 seconds, flying 700 meters, its speed is up to 120 kilometers per hour. Maximum flight height - 70 meters. The capacity of the fuel tanks of 20 liters, using hydrogen peroxide. The pilot must not weigh more than 81 kilograms
In 2006, using a knapsack pilot flying off the post Royal George in Colorado:.
Nick Macomber demonstrated satchel Go Fast in July 2015 in Beijing:
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274080/