
1824 - America creates the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Create, as usual with the objectives of good - to help survive the North American tribes in the conditions of expansion of industrial society, because one way or another, as the Indians exploited the land and continue to operate today. During that Native Americans relied contributions to the accounts, which steer and had called for the establishment of the Bureau. However, as elsewhere, where big money is involved (and the total bill very soon exceeded one billion and continues to grow rapidly), a lot of questions. More precisely, the question-there was one: "Where's the money, Zin?". Reporting is not provided. Much later, the 1980s, the investigation has revealed in that part of the expenditure is very peculiar - 90% on the actual management as such, and the supporting documents net.Rassledovaniya lasts to this day, the representatives of many nations - including Navajo and White Mountain Apache vchinyayut individual claims, but it is no end in sight ...
1834 - "Regulations on Civil uniforms", developed by the Office of Nicholas I, and approved by the emperor. What kind of animal? In essence - the dress code, and one of the first. For various departments envisaged dark blue or dark green uniforms, red relied senators. In total there were 10 species (as well as the ministries are now in Russia, by the way?). The ranks were regulated by the amount of sew on uniforms. Thus, everyone can understand that a bird in front of you. Remember, in the "Kin-Dza-Dza": "When a society has no color differentiation of pants, there is no goal! And when there is no purpose - no future! ". Maybe we should return?
1869 - Europe learned of the existence of giant pandas. Jean-Pierre Armand David, a French naturalist and, sovmestiteltvu missionary, presented a gift to the skin
1878 - Edison phonograph work has been demonstrated. He held it up for a meeting of the French Academy. He represented the invention of Edison employee Tivadar Puskás, who was invited to speak Theodore de Moncel. Not without incident. When the sound was heard, Professor Jean Buyyar took into circulation poor fellow Monsel: "Wretch! Do you think we'll let ventriloquist inflate us ?! How could you believe the fraudster, told that filthy lucre can play the noble sounds of human speech? ".