13 Mystic mysteries that nobody Could Unravel
Science and technology is developing incredibly fast - we fly in space, land on other planets, and came close to solving the riddle of eternal life. However, the world still has something to surprise the person. Some of the less mystical strange and frightening put scientists in a deadlock has been more than a dozen years - and there is no sign that they will be resolved when whatsoever. There are more things on earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your mudretsam.Zvuki TaosaV small town of Taos, New Mexico, people often hear strange, inexplicable sound. We describe it as the work of the diesel engine - but, and this is strange, no electronic devices can not fix it. For audio equipment Sound simply does not exist, but the common people hear it very well.
Manuscript VoynichaEta strange manuscript was written in a language that can not decipher many centuries. Moreover, professional lingvoanaliz showed that in the pages of the manuscript - a real language, not some gibberish. In addition, the drawings depict strange creatures and strange plants, which do not exist in nature.
Jack PotroshitelVy probably heard the story of a maniac who killed 11 women. The mystery of the psychopath's never been not allowed, although it struggled with all the best minds of the time.
Bermuda treugolnikKonechnye vertices of the triangle - Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. There perished ships and planes, but scientists still do not understand the reasons.
Tamam ShudEsche in December 1948 an unidentified man was found dead on the outskirts of the small town of Adelaide, Australia. In his pocket police found a piece of paper with the inscription Tamam Shud - it's part of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, which can be translated as "The End." Personality man failed to establish any state of the world.
ZODIAC another maniac, and not found by the authorities. This crazy love to send encrypted emails to the police - most of the messages are not deciphered until now
RongorongoOstrov Easter, which discovered the mysterious monuments, and includes yet another riddle - a set of glyphs Rongorongo. Over deciphering ancient symbols fought scientists from many countries, without any result.
Loch Ness monster for centuries people have heard the story of the lake Loch Ness. It definitely lives is something we have not seen before - that's just catch him you can not even
YetiLegendarnoe creation, which saw many hunters in the mountains. Yeti, bigfoot, yeti - what is it? Missed stage of evolution? Mirage?
Turin plaschanitsaKusok tissue with imprint (supposedly) the person of Jesus Christ. Scientists, in principle, allow for the possibility that the face of the dead man, and in fact could be printed on cotton - but in the personality of the deceased no exact statements made can not be.
AtlantidaBolshaya of the scientific community converges in a single thought - Atlantis was just a parable in the mouth of Plato, describing the ideal state. And, nevertheless, the search for the sunken civilization does not stop.
WOWTehnik Jerry Ehman was working on one of the projects of Wesleyan University in Ohio, when he received a strong signal from outer space - or rather, in the constellation Sagittarius. Transmission was as much as 72 seconds and got the name of WOW (Russian analogue of "Wow!"). Unfortunately, the second time the signal is not repeated.
DB KuperIdealnoe crime stumped all criminologists US. DB Cooper hijacked a plane and demanded a ransom of $ 200,000 and several parachutes. The authorities have decided to cooperate. Having everything you need, the offender jumped out of a plane - it was never seen again.
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Manuscript VoynichaEta strange manuscript was written in a language that can not decipher many centuries. Moreover, professional lingvoanaliz showed that in the pages of the manuscript - a real language, not some gibberish. In addition, the drawings depict strange creatures and strange plants, which do not exist in nature.
Jack PotroshitelVy probably heard the story of a maniac who killed 11 women. The mystery of the psychopath's never been not allowed, although it struggled with all the best minds of the time.
Bermuda treugolnikKonechnye vertices of the triangle - Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. There perished ships and planes, but scientists still do not understand the reasons.
Tamam ShudEsche in December 1948 an unidentified man was found dead on the outskirts of the small town of Adelaide, Australia. In his pocket police found a piece of paper with the inscription Tamam Shud - it's part of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, which can be translated as "The End." Personality man failed to establish any state of the world.
ZODIAC another maniac, and not found by the authorities. This crazy love to send encrypted emails to the police - most of the messages are not deciphered until now
RongorongoOstrov Easter, which discovered the mysterious monuments, and includes yet another riddle - a set of glyphs Rongorongo. Over deciphering ancient symbols fought scientists from many countries, without any result.
Loch Ness monster for centuries people have heard the story of the lake Loch Ness. It definitely lives is something we have not seen before - that's just catch him you can not even
YetiLegendarnoe creation, which saw many hunters in the mountains. Yeti, bigfoot, yeti - what is it? Missed stage of evolution? Mirage?
Turin plaschanitsaKusok tissue with imprint (supposedly) the person of Jesus Christ. Scientists, in principle, allow for the possibility that the face of the dead man, and in fact could be printed on cotton - but in the personality of the deceased no exact statements made can not be.
AtlantidaBolshaya of the scientific community converges in a single thought - Atlantis was just a parable in the mouth of Plato, describing the ideal state. And, nevertheless, the search for the sunken civilization does not stop.
WOWTehnik Jerry Ehman was working on one of the projects of Wesleyan University in Ohio, when he received a strong signal from outer space - or rather, in the constellation Sagittarius. Transmission was as much as 72 seconds and got the name of WOW (Russian analogue of "Wow!"). Unfortunately, the second time the signal is not repeated.
DB KuperIdealnoe crime stumped all criminologists US. DB Cooper hijacked a plane and demanded a ransom of $ 200,000 and several parachutes. The authorities have decided to cooperate. Having everything you need, the offender jumped out of a plane - it was never seen again.
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