Mini Monet 13-year-old won the impressionist contemporary art market
In the British county of Norfolk in the town Ludhem lives seemingly unremarkable boy Kieron Williamson. He lives with his parents and younger sister, loves video games, football and is considered the best quarterback in the school komande.Odnako any modern art, who really loves his job and following the birth of a new art legends will tell you that the 13-year-old Kieron Williamson is not just boy and held impressionist painter having in assets several solo exhibitions and dozens of sold works. And now the number of about three thousand people in line wanting to buy his paintings.
< Website publishes the work of the young genius.
Kieron paints landscapes, sometimes trying to add to the picture a little bit of movement - walking man or a flock of flying birds. Draw your own boy began six years before that loved coloring and predominantly black color. Of course, out of his hand did not immediately come out masterpieces. However, when Kieron was eight years old, the whole British press called Williamson it as "a little Monet" for his impressionistic manner of writing.
This Kieron job created, when he was six let.
also work six years hudozhnika.
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And this is a web of eight Kierona.
In 2011, the young artist has bought a house in Ludheme near the place where the master lived, which the boy finds his idol:
"My favorite artist Edward Sigaud also born in Norfolk. The house where he lived, is a little further than ours. I am pleased that I can walk on the same road on which he once walked, and draw the same sky "- says Kieron
11 years old boy created paintings for art lovers who were willing to give huge dengi.
The artist is sure that will be engaged in painting and football at the same time, and while dreaming that his work fell at auction Bonhams.
And most of all, his dream will come true, because, looking at today's working Kieron is hard to believe that they belong to the brush 13-year-old artist.
via bigpicture.ru/?p=743194
< Website publishes the work of the young genius.
Kieron paints landscapes, sometimes trying to add to the picture a little bit of movement - walking man or a flock of flying birds. Draw your own boy began six years before that loved coloring and predominantly black color. Of course, out of his hand did not immediately come out masterpieces. However, when Kieron was eight years old, the whole British press called Williamson it as "a little Monet" for his impressionistic manner of writing.

This Kieron job created, when he was six let.

also work six years hudozhnika.

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And this is a web of eight Kierona.

In 2011, the young artist has bought a house in Ludheme near the place where the master lived, which the boy finds his idol:
"My favorite artist Edward Sigaud also born in Norfolk. The house where he lived, is a little further than ours. I am pleased that I can walk on the same road on which he once walked, and draw the same sky "- says Kieron

11 years old boy created paintings for art lovers who were willing to give huge dengi.

The artist is sure that will be engaged in painting and football at the same time, and while dreaming that his work fell at auction Bonhams.

And most of all, his dream will come true, because, looking at today's working Kieron is hard to believe that they belong to the brush 13-year-old artist.

via bigpicture.ru/?p=743194