10 quick facts about the human body that science can not explain
The site has compiled a list of questions, each of which sounds too easy to believe that the answer to it may still be a mystery. However, since it equipped.1. Why do we have fingerprints? Some scientists have developed sophisticated computer models to understand how impressions are formed, but that, why evolution has given them to us, it is not known anything at all.
In the world there are several families with a strange genetic disorder called adermatoglifiya - these people have no fingerprints fingers. In addition, they are much less sweat, and the rest - are no different from all the others. The researchers hope that the study of these families and their genome will help unravel the mystery of the evolutionary fingerprint.
2. How do probiotics Probiotics - kind of beneficial bacteria living in the human gut. Advertising yogurt with probiotics sounds like manufacturers have created something very important for health, but, first of all, each of us has probiotics and so, and in sufficient quantity, and secondly, why they are needed - is still unclear. It is clear only that they do not harm -. Already well
3. Why do we have different blood groups? Scientists are well versed in the "operating principles" of blood groups, but we still have no idea why they are different and why they need it.
Blood groups are classified according to the antigens in the blood cells, but why do we need these antigens? We can assume that they have some relation to disease and immunity. It is believed that they appeared as a way to combat infectious diseases, but it has not been proved.
4. Does the brain remains active after decapitation? There are many legends about how people beheaded within minutes after death are in the mind. Sounds, of course, interesting, but in reality we do not know how long the brain can remain active in such a situation, and whether at all. To study the question difficult, because people can not decapitate even for scientific purposes.
Dr. Gabriel Borough described the case where the eye to the severed head on the guillotine the man opened up and time to focus on a certain point. The doctor came to the conclusion that some of the functions remain active for almost 30 seconds after decapitation, but he was unable to determine whether there was any in this consciousness.
5. Do pheromones in humans? Animals, when it comes to reproduction, they rely on the smell of pheromones partner. Because of this, researchers are trying to find out whether pheromones play a role in human interaction. The more answers we get, the more entangled. Many studies have shown that odors affect people certainly, but nothing is clear pheromones. While the sensitivity of people to them - a topic more studied women's magazines than research
6.. What happens when someone gets lightning? The prospect to get struck by lightning looks terrible, but, oddly enough, most people survive in such a situation, some even remain completely unharmed.
To find out what's going on at the time of lightning in the human, the scientists went to South Africa, where a thunderstorm with lightning occur more frequently and are stronger than anywhere else in the world was. They found that lightning in a special way passes through our bodies, but what is happening at this moment, does not become clearer.
7. As a woman may not know she was pregnant? Some women are unaware of the pregnancy until the birth of the child. No, they did not feel the body changes, baby movements, monthly did not stop, did not appear the extra weight. Just once they became very sick stomach and after a couple of hours there was a child.
Such incidents happen too often to blame everything on the lies women. For example, a patient of Dr. Sabrina Suhan even worked in the medical field, so I knew all the signs of pregnancy, but had no idea that she was pregnant until birth. It is worth mentioning that usually happens to women who have significant weight, so that the growth of the stomach, they could just not pay attention. Nevertheless, however.
8. How do mitochondria? Mitochondria are an integral part of our body, they make all the food to the energy consumed by us. For a long time we did not know about the mitochondria is almost nothing but science is close to an understanding of how they work.
More recently, scientists have discovered that the mitochondria really like calcium, but if his "overeat" this can lead to problems such as diabetes of the second type. Furthermore, they have made a catalog of proteins, which are made from the mitochondria. Misty information, but still better than nothing.
9. Why the ear consists of three stones? How do the ears, in principle, clear. But not all species are the same. Stanford researcher Sunil Puria noted that the ear in reptiles and birds consists of two bones, and mammals - they are three. Why - is unknown
. The best theory is based on a strange disease called "unsheathing front semicircular canal syndrome". This disease can lead to a decrease in tissue in the ear canal, whereby people begin to hear sounds that are usually not taken like bumps own heart. Doctors suggest that perhaps a third ear bone is needed in order to reduce these effects to a minimum, but more research is needed.
10. What kind of bacteria live in our language is, the tongue - it's just a storehouse of secrets. Doctors all over the world want to get the bacteria living on it to examine them as detailed as possible, but most of these bacteria do not grow in a petri dish, so to classify and understand them very difficult.
This lack of understanding - the biggest stumbling block in the treatment of gum disease such as periodontitis. Doctors do not really know how to treat because bacteria, because of which there is periodontitis, a lot, and we know too little about them.
via factroom.ru
In the world there are several families with a strange genetic disorder called adermatoglifiya - these people have no fingerprints fingers. In addition, they are much less sweat, and the rest - are no different from all the others. The researchers hope that the study of these families and their genome will help unravel the mystery of the evolutionary fingerprint.

2. How do probiotics Probiotics - kind of beneficial bacteria living in the human gut. Advertising yogurt with probiotics sounds like manufacturers have created something very important for health, but, first of all, each of us has probiotics and so, and in sufficient quantity, and secondly, why they are needed - is still unclear. It is clear only that they do not harm -. Already well
3. Why do we have different blood groups? Scientists are well versed in the "operating principles" of blood groups, but we still have no idea why they are different and why they need it.
Blood groups are classified according to the antigens in the blood cells, but why do we need these antigens? We can assume that they have some relation to disease and immunity. It is believed that they appeared as a way to combat infectious diseases, but it has not been proved.
4. Does the brain remains active after decapitation? There are many legends about how people beheaded within minutes after death are in the mind. Sounds, of course, interesting, but in reality we do not know how long the brain can remain active in such a situation, and whether at all. To study the question difficult, because people can not decapitate even for scientific purposes.
Dr. Gabriel Borough described the case where the eye to the severed head on the guillotine the man opened up and time to focus on a certain point. The doctor came to the conclusion that some of the functions remain active for almost 30 seconds after decapitation, but he was unable to determine whether there was any in this consciousness.
5. Do pheromones in humans? Animals, when it comes to reproduction, they rely on the smell of pheromones partner. Because of this, researchers are trying to find out whether pheromones play a role in human interaction. The more answers we get, the more entangled. Many studies have shown that odors affect people certainly, but nothing is clear pheromones. While the sensitivity of people to them - a topic more studied women's magazines than research
6.. What happens when someone gets lightning? The prospect to get struck by lightning looks terrible, but, oddly enough, most people survive in such a situation, some even remain completely unharmed.
To find out what's going on at the time of lightning in the human, the scientists went to South Africa, where a thunderstorm with lightning occur more frequently and are stronger than anywhere else in the world was. They found that lightning in a special way passes through our bodies, but what is happening at this moment, does not become clearer.
7. As a woman may not know she was pregnant? Some women are unaware of the pregnancy until the birth of the child. No, they did not feel the body changes, baby movements, monthly did not stop, did not appear the extra weight. Just once they became very sick stomach and after a couple of hours there was a child.
Such incidents happen too often to blame everything on the lies women. For example, a patient of Dr. Sabrina Suhan even worked in the medical field, so I knew all the signs of pregnancy, but had no idea that she was pregnant until birth. It is worth mentioning that usually happens to women who have significant weight, so that the growth of the stomach, they could just not pay attention. Nevertheless, however.
8. How do mitochondria? Mitochondria are an integral part of our body, they make all the food to the energy consumed by us. For a long time we did not know about the mitochondria is almost nothing but science is close to an understanding of how they work.
More recently, scientists have discovered that the mitochondria really like calcium, but if his "overeat" this can lead to problems such as diabetes of the second type. Furthermore, they have made a catalog of proteins, which are made from the mitochondria. Misty information, but still better than nothing.
9. Why the ear consists of three stones? How do the ears, in principle, clear. But not all species are the same. Stanford researcher Sunil Puria noted that the ear in reptiles and birds consists of two bones, and mammals - they are three. Why - is unknown
. The best theory is based on a strange disease called "unsheathing front semicircular canal syndrome". This disease can lead to a decrease in tissue in the ear canal, whereby people begin to hear sounds that are usually not taken like bumps own heart. Doctors suggest that perhaps a third ear bone is needed in order to reduce these effects to a minimum, but more research is needed.
10. What kind of bacteria live in our language is, the tongue - it's just a storehouse of secrets. Doctors all over the world want to get the bacteria living on it to examine them as detailed as possible, but most of these bacteria do not grow in a petri dish, so to classify and understand them very difficult.
This lack of understanding - the biggest stumbling block in the treatment of gum disease such as periodontitis. Doctors do not really know how to treat because bacteria, because of which there is periodontitis, a lot, and we know too little about them.
via factroom.ru
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