Alphabet novice gardener

Man and earth - two inseparable concepts, especially for domestic consumers. We do not know firsthand about working holiday in the country, our ancestors tilled the soil for centuries and we will sooner or later begin to pull back to life in the village. And what about those who have just come to this judgment? Where to start and how to turn a nondescript section of a blooming garden?
New Grower: A Guide inexperienced summer resident
1. Cultivation of the soil
The first thing you need to cultivate the soil. This can be done both manually and with the help of technology. The first option involves vskopku ground using a bayonet spade and rake subsequent cultivation. The largest assortment of garden tools can be found here florium.ua/ru/tools/. Formation of the beds - the final stage in this process.
2. Planting seed, seedling purchase
It is worth remembering that the plant culture is necessary immediately after the formation of the beds, and the seedlings can not survive long-term storage. Tuberous, onion seedlings need to pre-heat the sun, disinfected in a weak solution of manganese, dry. Seeds of carrot, dill, parsley, colors can be pre-soak and then sprinkled with starch to the wet mixture was well behind the hands. The novice gardener is recommended to use the certified crop seeds that are specially bred to our area. The site florium.ua/ru/tools/ can easily choose different flower crops seeds, vegetable seeds and seedlings of various species of plants.
3. Caring for crops
Periodic tillage, irrigation, soil salinity as needed throughout the summer.
4. Harvesting
Harvesting takes place depending on germination and biological ripeness. So, early potatoes cleaned a few weeks earlier than late-maturing. And cabbage is kept on beds until the first frost.
5. Preparation of the soil for the winter
You need to remove all the roots as possible to dig the soil, fertilize as needed.