How to look beautiful Tsarist Russia: Calendar 1904

notions of female beauty changed every few decades - in fashion includes the different types of shapes, aristocratic face and other signs of a beautiful girl. Website publish for their readers Calendar printed back in 1904: the famous actress, the wife of media professionals and wife wealthy industrialists gathered to demonstrate to others their dazzling appearance.
Jachmeneva Mrs., Ms. and Mrs. Hilkova Khrennikov: judging by the lack of bright aliases before us - the beginning actress award, however, the pages of the calendar. h3>
Here's a very interesting picture: it shows the Ukrainian girls from different parts of the country. Left - Podolia, right - Chernigov. H3>
Susan Varley and Katerina Tomsk - both from the rich, close to the government of families. h3>
The demonstration of different types of girl's beauty from all over Tsarist Russia: Polish, Estonian, and from Odessa different properly form the face and fathomless (at least in the picture) eyes. h3>
Russian and Moldavian artist. h3>
A Jewish woman from Belarus and a girl from the Volga region. h3>
These ladies were left on the calendar without a signature. Chances are before us - the wives and daughters of some of the publishing house. H3>
Romanian, Swedish finnka and - judging by the costumes, we have a high level of canary, maybe even a theater actress. h3>
Don Cossack and Ukrainian national costumes. h3>
Malorosska and Polish - the first in the national scarf, the other bareheaded that hints about freedom of manners. h3>
The actress of the Bolshoi Theatre, Mrs. Mitkevich. h3>
Architectural Models schools, in which students practice their artistic skills. h3>
Mrs. Dalsky and unnamed Georgian - maybe next of kin. h3>
The actress, Ms. Domasheva and dancer, Ms. Kyaksht. Just Look at this sophisticated, inspired faces! It will take some years, and so the girls would be dangerous to simply appear on the streets. H3>
Swede (hairstyle and appearance which now speaks of victory in the country feminism) and Russian actress, Ms. Nadimova.
Russian Greek (it gives a classic bend the nose) and the German Frau, whose outfit issues belonging to the upper class.
Left - Ivanna Koryskova, future wife breeder Tovstonogov, right - Gisele Barkhatova (likely a pseudonym) - Opera canary.
The wife and daughter of the publisher of the calendar tycoon Skotorogova.
Polish and Jewish beauty. According to the Physical persons girl polka also refers to Abraham's tribe.
The Crimean Tatar and Belarusian girl, both in traditional costumes and items showing the life of the girls.
Finnka and Jewish. Second, judging by the rich as well as the daughter of a wealthy Moscow Jews. H3>
preferred to remain anonymous artist of Russian and Belarusian girl whose name just is not specified. h3>
A little small-town flavor: on the left - buryatka in national costume, on the right - the girl-pomorka of the Arkhangelsk region. h3>
via trendymen.ru/lifestyle/art/121367/
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