History Omid Assad, who created a masterpiece of the usual tree leaves
When a few years ago Omid Asadi moved to Britain from Iran, he did not think about the leaves. He cared more mundane things: housing, work, language ... But one day while walking with his wife Omid thought about the leaves. Why do people prefer flowers? Why do the fallen leaves just discarded or burned?
He decided that they also are beautiful and they should pay attention. By joining forces with his wife, a master of Persian miniature painting, Omid has found a way to turn waste into a work of art.
As he says, the art for him - this is an attempt to look differently at familiar things. Omid wants to give the leaves a second life. «Everyone can fall in love with Rose, but love is more a piece of work. This is usually when you love beautiful, but beautiful when you love the usual ». I>
Each pattern on the sheet is cut by hand, and the leaves themselves are often attached to the paper using a conventional adhesive.
Omid himself uses a sheet and white paper to create their masterpieces. Just look at this surrealistic composition! B>
This work clearly shows our attitude to the leaves: sour cream and we just throw them away. But even that can serve as inspiration for Omid Asadi. B>
One of the most popular works of Omid.
The level of detail of some works simply amazing. Omid using a scalpel and a needle to penetrate the almost microscopic holes among the leaf veins. B>
The work is difficult, but the results speak for themselves. Especially when you realize that this is the usual maple leaf on which are carved the smallest details. B>
There is no doubt, you have to be a perfectionist to do something like that. B>
But even his simple work incredible. As an example, here are the eyes. B>
This is one of the first works of Omid - Cut Big Ben. It is noticeable that since Asadi has progressed in terms of detail and complexity, but even such a simple composition looks good. B>
Since we were talking about his recent work, how do you here this? It seems that Omid will soon split the atom, to get even more detail! B>
Fortunately, the long hours of work over the magnifying glass pays off: Omid Asadi works presented in many exhibitions, and buyers do not spare money to buy his masterpieces. The price of the composition of this talented guy comes up to $ 3 000. B> 89,095,942
How often in the pursuit of high man directs his gaze to the sky, oblivious to the treasures that literally lying under their feet? Omid Asadi - one of the few who see the fine even in the most everyday things. Thanks to him, our world becomes a little more beautiful.
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He decided that they also are beautiful and they should pay attention. By joining forces with his wife, a master of Persian miniature painting, Omid has found a way to turn waste into a work of art.
As he says, the art for him - this is an attempt to look differently at familiar things. Omid wants to give the leaves a second life. «Everyone can fall in love with Rose, but love is more a piece of work. This is usually when you love beautiful, but beautiful when you love the usual ». I>
Each pattern on the sheet is cut by hand, and the leaves themselves are often attached to the paper using a conventional adhesive.

Omid himself uses a sheet and white paper to create their masterpieces. Just look at this surrealistic composition! B>

This work clearly shows our attitude to the leaves: sour cream and we just throw them away. But even that can serve as inspiration for Omid Asadi. B>

One of the most popular works of Omid.

The level of detail of some works simply amazing. Omid using a scalpel and a needle to penetrate the almost microscopic holes among the leaf veins. B>

The work is difficult, but the results speak for themselves. Especially when you realize that this is the usual maple leaf on which are carved the smallest details. B>

There is no doubt, you have to be a perfectionist to do something like that. B>

But even his simple work incredible. As an example, here are the eyes. B>

This is one of the first works of Omid - Cut Big Ben. It is noticeable that since Asadi has progressed in terms of detail and complexity, but even such a simple composition looks good. B>

Since we were talking about his recent work, how do you here this? It seems that Omid will soon split the atom, to get even more detail! B>

Fortunately, the long hours of work over the magnifying glass pays off: Omid Asadi works presented in many exhibitions, and buyers do not spare money to buy his masterpieces. The price of the composition of this talented guy comes up to $ 3 000. B> 89,095,942
How often in the pursuit of high man directs his gaze to the sky, oblivious to the treasures that literally lying under their feet? Omid Asadi - one of the few who see the fine even in the most everyday things. Thanks to him, our world becomes a little more beautiful.
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