We find a planet, distance from its star trillion kilometers

Astrophysicists have discovered the largest known planetary system in the universe: it has the distance between stars and planets is 1 trillion kilometers, that is 6685 astronomical units. This is 169 times greater than the distance between the Sun and Pluto.
One year on this planet lasts 000 Earth years, 900, so that from the moment of its formation there was less than 50 years.
The planet, called 2MASS J2126-8140 and its star TYC 9486-927-1 were found more in the past decade, but considering the huge distance from the star, no one could assume that the planet orbits. Everyone thought that the so-called rogue planet that gravitationally bound to any star. It turned out that this is not so.
Analysis of the movement of the pair of planets and stars showed that they really relate to each other.

The movement of planets and stars 2MASS J2126-8140 TYC 9486-927-1 i>
"This is the most extensive planetary system discovered to date, and although its members were known eight years, but no one had established a link between objects, - говорит Niall Deacon (Niall Deacon) from the University of Hertfordshire (UK). - The planet was not as alone as we thought at first, but it's definitely a relationship at a very great distance ».
2MASS J2126-8140 - is a gas giant about 11 times as massive as Jupiter 6-15. It is very close: just 104 light-years away.
The analysis traces lithium burning range of approximately determines the age of the star in the range of 10 to 45 million years. So the gas giant had to make at least 50 orbits around their stars.

Spectral analysis of the star TYC 9486-927-1 i>
If the planet were life forms, they would hardly have guessed that their planet has its own sun: it just looks like another star in the sky.
"We were very surprised to find an object as small weight as far from its star, - сказал One of the astronomers and the authors of the discovery, Simon Murphy (Simon Murphy) from the Australian National University. - There is no chance that the planet formed much like our solar system, from a large disk of dust and gas ».
How to create a similar system and how it saves its state - these questions remain unanswered.
The discovery is described in a scientific paper in the journal Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society i> ( pdf ).
Source: geektimes.ru/post/269950/
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