Canada borrowed from Finland, one of the great ideas
box Remember that every pregnant woman receives in Finland? Inside it - a set of garments, diapers and toys, and the system itself can be used as a cot. Not surprisingly, the Finns enjoy such a gift from the state.
And now, Canada has decided to follow suit.
In the study, University of Calgary is launching a program to find out what advantages can bring these "baby box". Every expectant mother from Alberta will receive a special box, which is all you need for the first days of baby's life, as well as a number of useful benefits for parents.
The researchers hope that these boxes to help families more accustomed to kids and their new lifestyle. Newborns need a lot of attention, and parents often feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Therefore, the "baby box" in this period can be very useful - after all, no matter how wonderful parents you are, no one hurt a little support.
We are in the Website This idea is very like! What do you think?
See also: For the past 75 years, pregnant women Finnish government gives box
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