Most downloaded movies recently

Excipio, which is engaged in piracy statistics, published the data for just the past year. Films from the list of network downloads to see a record number of raz.Piratstvo - it is bad, and the copyright must be protected. However, the reality is that a request for legal content in our society - zero, but considering how much money the company at the box office films in cinemas, many tend to believe their fight against piracy manifestation of boundless greed. Who is right? The question remains open.
Website publishes a list of movies that users have downloaded and watched the greatest number of times. Apparently, this is a movie worth it!
Number of downloads: 31,574,872
Hobbits, dragon, Esgarot, Dale! And the shadow of Sauron, looming in the background! Peter Jackson has once again turned to stretch a little story for a few hours - and did not spoil.
Jurassic World h2> Number of downloads: 36,881,763
All the same, everything the same. Dinosaurs have become more and more intelligent, people - no. The scene with the velociraptor evolved into the viral memes and this is probably the best thing you can say about the film. We tend to assign a "Jurassic World" category of "pirate disappointment of the year».
Sniper h2> Number of downloads: 33,953,737
We were not able to recall any disastrous film directed by Clint Eastwood - this guy takes pictures as deftly as firing a revolver. Biopic about American sniper, called the terrorists "Devil" is not an exception: a simple story of a guy who just wanted to defend their country, looks at one go.
Fifty shades of gray h2> Number of downloads: 32,126,827
History of the meeting cute demure Anastacia Steele and Christian Grey billionaire retell it makes no sense - unless you've seen the movie yourself, you probably heard all the details of the "masterpiece" from a friend. Excitement viewers quite clear: still, the forbidden fruit on the big screen!
Furious 7 h2> Number of downloads: 44,794,877
The last part of the famous franchise caused a stir even before reaching the screen - the death of Paul Walker, who played one of the main characters will impress even those who disliked the film. Instead of plot turns the viewer waits except the steering wheel brilliant actors play too difficult to call - but watch the film worth it. End of an era, no matter how how.
Mad Max: Fury Road h2> Number of downloads: 36,443,244
The perfect road movie by classics of the genre: a few decades, postapokalipsisa father, George Miller, feels great in the director's chair of the new franchise. The film is required to view - the pursuit of long two hours does not leave time for a break, a few gaps in the narrative filled with beauties in white and charismatic Tom Hardy.
Terminator: Genesis h2> Number of downloads: 31,001,480
New "Terminator" is not only kicked a lazy: hardcore fans have refused to recognize the canonical film, ordinary viewers did not understand the general excitement before the premiere. Despite all this, I do a show "Terminator: Genesis" deserves for sure - it is, after all, part of our common cultural code.
The Avengers: Age of Ultron h2> Number of downloads: 41,594,159
Mankind is again on the brink of destruction. It is unclear why this technique works time and time again, attracting crowds to the theaters - large studio conspired not to touch that, and so acts. The film will appeal to all lovers of nostalgia (hello, original comic), and those who prefer a non-stop action thinking process - that it is something more than enough.
Interstellar h2> Number of downloads: 46,762,310
Expected leader - the creation of Christopher Nolan's masterpiece "Interstellar". Here is everything you need to perfect movie: space travel, charismatic protagonists, very intelligent plot and absolutely beautiful soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, who deserves special mention. All this is seasoned with proprietary techniques director who knows how to present the tenth time the same simple idea into a new, shiny wrapper.
Kingsman: Secret Service h2> Number of downloads: 30,922,987
Lovely and, unfortunately, underestimated the audience the film Matthew Vaughn, opens our list of most downloaded pictures of 2015. The director has managed perfectly to beat rashozhie stereotypes pop up over and over again in spy movies - and not slide into vulgar gags.
See also: 40 great films of 2015, you could miss
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