In Khakassia A unique shops that do not have analogues in the world
Curious experiment started a resident of one of the villages in Khakassia. He opened the store without a salesperson. The buyer comes in, picks up the goods, and puts the money in a special box. Entrepreneur relied on the honesty of the villagers.
It is not even a shop, but rather bread department. Ten names and wholly self-service. Prior to that, the owner of a bakery in the village of Khakassia Tashtyp gave goods to the stores for sale. Cost loaf with increased half. Then Alexander Isakov has decided to sell the bread itself. And in order not to raise the price from the seller refused.
"Firstly, it's psychologically nice to people that they trust. They say, this store - a test for the conscience ", - says Alexander Isakov.
Villagers unusual shop first viewed with caution. But now there is a release from the buyers.
"Actually, for our village it was somewhat surprising. In recent years, people such that, maybe even scary to someone trusted. But, in turn, is a very good educational process works because no complaint was not, that someone acted in bad faith ", - says Ivan Shulbaev.
Everything is simple: take the bread, and put the money in a special box. If you suddenly do not have fines or even temporary financial difficulties - just leave a note: I am so and so, he took the goods, for example, forty rubles. Come back later. Trust here - the main idea.
Honestly, the observations entrepreneur turned 99% of the inhabitants of the village. As evidence - receipts. Their Alexander Isakov has a whole collection.
"Sorry, we have bread in debt, in early September return. Kisses, Maria. " Just kidding, "whole" was not there "- read receipt Alexander Isakov.
The main occupation of Alexander Isakov - woodcarving. Bread business - only additional income. Therefore for quick profits honest shop owner does not pursue, and even rescue considers every day.
"Two or three days passed, the money accumulated in the bag receive, get enough sleep, home suffered.
House felt summed balance, "- says Alexander Isakov. +
Only occasionally, when there is a serious shortage, the entrepreneur looks footage from surveillance cameras.
This year the geography of his experiment Alexander Isakov has decided to expand. In the near future two more of the same, he's going to open a store in the neighboring villages.
Alexander Isakov, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Khakassia 5 convocation.
http://www.1tv.ru/i_newsvideo/299512 video>
: Fishki.net

It is not even a shop, but rather bread department. Ten names and wholly self-service. Prior to that, the owner of a bakery in the village of Khakassia Tashtyp gave goods to the stores for sale. Cost loaf with increased half. Then Alexander Isakov has decided to sell the bread itself. And in order not to raise the price from the seller refused.

"Firstly, it's psychologically nice to people that they trust. They say, this store - a test for the conscience ", - says Alexander Isakov.
Villagers unusual shop first viewed with caution. But now there is a release from the buyers.
"Actually, for our village it was somewhat surprising. In recent years, people such that, maybe even scary to someone trusted. But, in turn, is a very good educational process works because no complaint was not, that someone acted in bad faith ", - says Ivan Shulbaev.
Everything is simple: take the bread, and put the money in a special box. If you suddenly do not have fines or even temporary financial difficulties - just leave a note: I am so and so, he took the goods, for example, forty rubles. Come back later. Trust here - the main idea.
Honestly, the observations entrepreneur turned 99% of the inhabitants of the village. As evidence - receipts. Their Alexander Isakov has a whole collection.
"Sorry, we have bread in debt, in early September return. Kisses, Maria. " Just kidding, "whole" was not there "- read receipt Alexander Isakov.

The main occupation of Alexander Isakov - woodcarving. Bread business - only additional income. Therefore for quick profits honest shop owner does not pursue, and even rescue considers every day.
"Two or three days passed, the money accumulated in the bag receive, get enough sleep, home suffered.
House felt summed balance, "- says Alexander Isakov. +
Only occasionally, when there is a serious shortage, the entrepreneur looks footage from surveillance cameras.
This year the geography of his experiment Alexander Isakov has decided to expand. In the near future two more of the same, he's going to open a store in the neighboring villages.
Alexander Isakov, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Khakassia 5 convocation.
http://www.1tv.ru/i_newsvideo/299512 video>
: Fishki.net