Pictures at an Exhibition. Meet the first unmanned drone taxi EHang 184
Welcome to our readers in the pages of the blog iCover ! No doubt an interesting novelty unveiled at CES2016, held in Las Vegas Chinese company EHang. It is the world's first working prototype of the unmanned drones passenger electric taxis, commercial production of which may be established in the foreseeable future.
Many Chinese companies EHang remember the model of consumer drone GHCOSTDRONE 2.0 , equipped with a camera with video recording in 4K mode and supplied with virtual reality goggles. But not everyone knows that the main emphasis for several years, the company's engineers has shifted to the development of small manned aircraft. Having achieved some success in this area the company has gone even further. Now, after the presentation of the world's first unmanned drone taxi with "gull-wing" and the straightforward name EHang 184 all doubts EHang competitiveness in this narrow segment of the market is possible to leave in the past. According to the CEO of the company Ehanga chausie Hu, before the presentation of the prototype has spent more than 100 test flights, and today, more than any of the analogues of competitors, ready for transfer to commercialization.
Representatives of the company said that & quot; ... EHang 184, presented at the exhibition, has been & quot; ... ready to fly, but, unfortunately, demonstrate it in action, we were not able to due to legal constraints & quot ;. "But overall, the demonstration at CES 2016 was very successful, and now our task - the early commercialization of the product" - shared his plans for the company's financial director Xiao Shan.
Presentation prototype drone taxi EHang AVV 184 at CES 2016 i>
This giant quadrocopter with artless title Ehang 184 transports is only one passenger. The cabin EHang 184 you will not find anything even remotely resembling a traditional means of control of the aircraft. No knobs or the wheel or joystick, no buttons or control panels and switches - the complete triumph of minimalism.
Hardware-software complex EHang 184 is arranged in such a way that allows you to programmed flight parameters and a route on a map on before the start.
On-board computer EHang 184 i>
Thoughtful ergonomic seat and miniature stand with fixed her tablet computer is enough to get you to the right place at the right time. Naturally, despite the obvious advantages of such a decision, a psychological discomfort associated with the need to fully entrust their lives and health on-board computer at the stage of exploring EHang 184 can not be avoided.
One of the main challenges facing EHang today - is the passage of an accreditation procedure in the Federal Aviation Administration, which will provide all the necessary certificates for the right to use and sales "EHang 184". And one of the fundamentally important technical problems that engineers will have to decide in the near future - is to provide additional safety measures when planting and enhancement of battery capacity, which currently allow for the air no more than 23 minutes, which significantly restricts the use of drones on its intended purpose.
EHang is on board one of the passenger, complete with propellers 8 and 4 "hands". The height of the construction - about 1, 5 m., Weight - 180 kg. The total power of the engines allows cargo weighing up to 100 kg. Cruising speed of 100 km / h, with a lifting height of 3, 5 km. The residence time in the air - up to 23 minutes. Battery charge time: Fast mode - 2 hours, standard mode - 4 hours. There are a small compartment for personal items and the possibility of air conditioning. According Ehanga, with folded hands four drone takes the parking lot about the same space as a car.
The final cost of the model, as well as the exact date of the start of commercial sales has not been disclosed, although, as stipulated Ehang, we will go about the hundreds of thousands of $.
Of course, the first and most important question that arises from the one who is going to test the first time the possibility of unmanned drone of what to do if the onboard computer during the flight stops to cope with their tasks? "This is a case - said Ehang when management takes over the flight control center, which monitors all the drones are in the sky 24/7." There certainly can not be dropped some chance of disruption of cellular communication, and as a consequence, loss of control over the apparatus, at least for a while. With regard to the security of the channel, the & quot; ... here - as approved at the company's website - to communicate with each device having its own channel with encryption & quot ;.
If, for example, the rate of motion drone some distance seen flies or a flock of birds flying, the passenger will be able to, by clicking on the monitor screen to slow down to zero, and hang in the air until the normalization of the situation.
In addition to these capabilities EHang 184 comes with built-in fail-safe control systems Ehangen, which significantly increases the probability of a successful landing in case of failure or disconnection of any node or component "- said on its website.
"My goal in life was to make flights faster, easier and more comfortable," - shared Ehang with the press ... - "EHang 184 effective and safe way to solve the many problems faced daily by the transport industry. I sincerely believe that in the future EHang not be limited only to the movement of passengers for personal use, but can have a global impact, at least a dozen other areas. EHang 184 awakens in us old memories of the desired future, which could occur only if the solution of fundamental problems, "- concluded Ehang.
Background i>
Headquartered EHang Inc., founded in 2014, is located in Guangzhou (China). The company EHang more than 150 employees. Among the founders of the representatives of leading institutions - Tsinghua University, Duke University, MIT and the University of California in Los Angeles. The company cooperates with experts 21Vianet Group, Lenovo and Microsoft, which greatly increases the chances of a successful EHang competition in the future and really opens up bright prospects.
At the end of 2014 in the ranking of the business magazine Fast Company EHang is among the 50 fastest growing companies and was the winner of last year's CES show in 2015 in the category "Best drone».
Details: i>
Dear readers, we are always happy to meet and waiting for you on our blog. We will continue to share with you current news, review materials and other publications, and will do everything possible to ensure that the time spent with us was useful to you. And, of course, do not forget to subscribe to our heading .
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/icover/blog/268886/

Many Chinese companies EHang remember the model of consumer drone GHCOSTDRONE 2.0 , equipped with a camera with video recording in 4K mode and supplied with virtual reality goggles. But not everyone knows that the main emphasis for several years, the company's engineers has shifted to the development of small manned aircraft. Having achieved some success in this area the company has gone even further. Now, after the presentation of the world's first unmanned drone taxi with "gull-wing" and the straightforward name EHang 184 all doubts EHang competitiveness in this narrow segment of the market is possible to leave in the past. According to the CEO of the company Ehanga chausie Hu, before the presentation of the prototype has spent more than 100 test flights, and today, more than any of the analogues of competitors, ready for transfer to commercialization.

Representatives of the company said that & quot; ... EHang 184, presented at the exhibition, has been & quot; ... ready to fly, but, unfortunately, demonstrate it in action, we were not able to due to legal constraints & quot ;. "But overall, the demonstration at CES 2016 was very successful, and now our task - the early commercialization of the product" - shared his plans for the company's financial director Xiao Shan.
Presentation prototype drone taxi EHang AVV 184 at CES 2016 i>
This giant quadrocopter with artless title Ehang 184 transports is only one passenger. The cabin EHang 184 you will not find anything even remotely resembling a traditional means of control of the aircraft. No knobs or the wheel or joystick, no buttons or control panels and switches - the complete triumph of minimalism.

Hardware-software complex EHang 184 is arranged in such a way that allows you to programmed flight parameters and a route on a map on before the start.

On-board computer EHang 184 i>
Thoughtful ergonomic seat and miniature stand with fixed her tablet computer is enough to get you to the right place at the right time. Naturally, despite the obvious advantages of such a decision, a psychological discomfort associated with the need to fully entrust their lives and health on-board computer at the stage of exploring EHang 184 can not be avoided.

One of the main challenges facing EHang today - is the passage of an accreditation procedure in the Federal Aviation Administration, which will provide all the necessary certificates for the right to use and sales "EHang 184". And one of the fundamentally important technical problems that engineers will have to decide in the near future - is to provide additional safety measures when planting and enhancement of battery capacity, which currently allow for the air no more than 23 minutes, which significantly restricts the use of drones on its intended purpose.
EHang is on board one of the passenger, complete with propellers 8 and 4 "hands". The height of the construction - about 1, 5 m., Weight - 180 kg. The total power of the engines allows cargo weighing up to 100 kg. Cruising speed of 100 km / h, with a lifting height of 3, 5 km. The residence time in the air - up to 23 minutes. Battery charge time: Fast mode - 2 hours, standard mode - 4 hours. There are a small compartment for personal items and the possibility of air conditioning. According Ehanga, with folded hands four drone takes the parking lot about the same space as a car.

The final cost of the model, as well as the exact date of the start of commercial sales has not been disclosed, although, as stipulated Ehang, we will go about the hundreds of thousands of $.

Of course, the first and most important question that arises from the one who is going to test the first time the possibility of unmanned drone of what to do if the onboard computer during the flight stops to cope with their tasks? "This is a case - said Ehang when management takes over the flight control center, which monitors all the drones are in the sky 24/7." There certainly can not be dropped some chance of disruption of cellular communication, and as a consequence, loss of control over the apparatus, at least for a while. With regard to the security of the channel, the & quot; ... here - as approved at the company's website - to communicate with each device having its own channel with encryption & quot ;.
If, for example, the rate of motion drone some distance seen flies or a flock of birds flying, the passenger will be able to, by clicking on the monitor screen to slow down to zero, and hang in the air until the normalization of the situation.
In addition to these capabilities EHang 184 comes with built-in fail-safe control systems Ehangen, which significantly increases the probability of a successful landing in case of failure or disconnection of any node or component "- said on its website.
"My goal in life was to make flights faster, easier and more comfortable," - shared Ehang with the press ... - "EHang 184 effective and safe way to solve the many problems faced daily by the transport industry. I sincerely believe that in the future EHang not be limited only to the movement of passengers for personal use, but can have a global impact, at least a dozen other areas. EHang 184 awakens in us old memories of the desired future, which could occur only if the solution of fundamental problems, "- concluded Ehang.
Background i>
Headquartered EHang Inc., founded in 2014, is located in Guangzhou (China). The company EHang more than 150 employees. Among the founders of the representatives of leading institutions - Tsinghua University, Duke University, MIT and the University of California in Los Angeles. The company cooperates with experts 21Vianet Group, Lenovo and Microsoft, which greatly increases the chances of a successful EHang competition in the future and really opens up bright prospects.
At the end of 2014 in the ranking of the business magazine Fast Company EHang is among the 50 fastest growing companies and was the winner of last year's CES show in 2015 in the category "Best drone».

Details: i>
Dear readers, we are always happy to meet and waiting for you on our blog. We will continue to share with you current news, review materials and other publications, and will do everything possible to ensure that the time spent with us was useful to you. And, of course, do not forget to subscribe to our heading .
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/icover/blog/268886/
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