Care and maintenance of laminate
Eighty seven million seven hundred sixty two thousand two hundred eighty nine
Laminate popular. More and more people uses it in private homes. This is due to excellent appearance and easy operating conditions. Wanting to buy a laminate, developers are turning to specialty stores, read information about the manufacturers. However, when it comes to cleaning, face blank of information on the subject.
How to clean laminate flooring
First cleaning and washing the laminate can turn into a disaster. The fact that not all detergents are suitable for processing a laminate, which has a sensitive surface to abrasive substances. Of course you cannot use any types of abrasive brushes.
For floor washing, you need to buy a special detergent, which will be given to the possibility of its application for cleaning of laminate. The first sample is better to be done somewhere in a secluded place, where the damage of the floor covering will not be evident. After the experiment will manifest itself positively, you can proceed to cleaning the entire house.
Popular means for the floor are composed of soft elements that easily allow to remove traces of markers and other contamination. If you are unable to remove smudges from the laminate standard detergent, try adding a little acetone. The solvent in it without damaging the coating.
If you perform a simple wet cleaning, use a MOP, which has the function of pressing. This will eliminate a large contact cleaning solution to the surface. After cleaning the laminate should be wiped barely damp MOP, leaving wet, which on drying form ugly stains.
Ordinary cleaning can also be done using warm soapy water, which copes well with alcoholic stains. After that we need to run plain water without detergent, which removes excess soap formation. If there was a lot of moisture, it should be removed. Use the spin MOP so that the surface was slightly damp after cleaning.
Do not walk on wet floor until it is completely dry. Adhering to these recommendations, the owners of the laminate will be easy to maintain natural Shine and beauty coverage.
Laminate popular. More and more people uses it in private homes. This is due to excellent appearance and easy operating conditions. Wanting to buy a laminate, developers are turning to specialty stores, read information about the manufacturers. However, when it comes to cleaning, face blank of information on the subject.
How to clean laminate flooring
First cleaning and washing the laminate can turn into a disaster. The fact that not all detergents are suitable for processing a laminate, which has a sensitive surface to abrasive substances. Of course you cannot use any types of abrasive brushes.
For floor washing, you need to buy a special detergent, which will be given to the possibility of its application for cleaning of laminate. The first sample is better to be done somewhere in a secluded place, where the damage of the floor covering will not be evident. After the experiment will manifest itself positively, you can proceed to cleaning the entire house.
Popular means for the floor are composed of soft elements that easily allow to remove traces of markers and other contamination. If you are unable to remove smudges from the laminate standard detergent, try adding a little acetone. The solvent in it without damaging the coating.
If you perform a simple wet cleaning, use a MOP, which has the function of pressing. This will eliminate a large contact cleaning solution to the surface. After cleaning the laminate should be wiped barely damp MOP, leaving wet, which on drying form ugly stains.
Ordinary cleaning can also be done using warm soapy water, which copes well with alcoholic stains. After that we need to run plain water without detergent, which removes excess soap formation. If there was a lot of moisture, it should be removed. Use the spin MOP so that the surface was slightly damp after cleaning.
Do not walk on wet floor until it is completely dry. Adhering to these recommendations, the owners of the laminate will be easy to maintain natural Shine and beauty coverage.