All great men created nerve
They feel and experience sharper than others - people with finely organized by the nervous system in general, "live hard." On the other hand, they have special privileges - the ability to mental openness, sincerity and creativity improvement mira.Imenno of such "nervous people" in his novel "The Guermantes" wrote Marcel Proust. Website publish some excerpts showing that weak nerves can tell a lot about a person important things.
«reconciled with the fact that you will be called nervous. You belong to a brilliant and unfortunate family, which is the salt of the earth. All it created great for us nervous. It is they, and not anyone else, laid the foundations of religion and created amazing works of art. The world and never find out just what he is obliged to them, and most importantly, how much they have suffered in order to bestow upon him all these
«< Neurosis - a brilliant actor. There is no disease that he could not play a skilled way. Neurosis can portray flatulence as constipation, nausea, both during pregnancy, arrhythmia as with heart disease, chills and fever, like a consumptive. If he is able to deceive the physician, the patient to cheat him is worthless ... »
"Without the nervous disease is not great artists, in fact, does not happen and the great scholars. And even if the doctor nerves have always been healthy, he can not be a good doctor, it is possible, in the best case he will make a mediocre doctor for nervous diseases. A neurologist, who does not speak a lot of nonsense, half-cured patients, as well as a good critic - a poet, stopped writing poetry, good cop - a thief, stop stealing ».
"I would be able to cure you of increased nervousness, but will not for anything in the world
«reconciled with the fact that you will be called nervous. You belong to a brilliant and unfortunate family, which is the salt of the earth. All it created great for us nervous. It is they, and not anyone else, laid the foundations of religion and created amazing works of art. The world and never find out just what he is obliged to them, and most importantly, how much they have suffered in order to bestow upon him all these
«< Neurosis - a brilliant actor. There is no disease that he could not play a skilled way. Neurosis can portray flatulence as constipation, nausea, both during pregnancy, arrhythmia as with heart disease, chills and fever, like a consumptive. If he is able to deceive the physician, the patient to cheat him is worthless ... »
"Without the nervous disease is not great artists, in fact, does not happen and the great scholars. And even if the doctor nerves have always been healthy, he can not be a good doctor, it is possible, in the best case he will make a mediocre doctor for nervous diseases. A neurologist, who does not speak a lot of nonsense, half-cured patients, as well as a good critic - a poet, stopped writing poetry, good cop - a thief, stop stealing ».
"I would be able to cure you of increased nervousness, but will not for anything in the world
M. Proust "The Guermantes" (Eksmo, 2008).
via www.psychologies.ru/observers/bershteyn-anatoliy/vse-velikoe-sozdano-nervnyimi-lyudmi/