10 of the most amazing virtual
The country more than pointed at karte
Apart from the usual countries that we all know and are recognized by other countries, there is such a thing as a virtual state - is not a real state, but imitating certain of its features. As it turned out, a lot of these states, and anyone can get their citizenship, often simply by registering on the site.
1. The Kingdom Talossa created 14 years parnem
December 26, 1979, the year in her bedroom in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 14-year-old Robert Ben Madison declared it a separate state called Talossa and appointed himself king. Although this declaration was not recognized by any state, Talossa considered to be one of the first virtual states and has many imitators. Madison was savvy enough to create your own website in 1995, the year. Now it boasts 222 "citizens».
It is a peaceful state was not without internal strife - in 2004 he separated from his group, formed Republic Talossa. However, in 2012, the "country" was united again.
2. The Principality of Sealand to platforme
This tiny country is situated on a platform off the coast of Suffolk. First, the platform was occupied by the British for protection from the Germans, but the population of the platform became a separate nation in September 1967, when Paddy Roy Bates came on board and began broadcasting pirate radio station "Radio Essex." Because the platform is in international waters, Bates declared it Sealand (Eng. Sealand - «sea land"). Over time, he created a constitution and issued thousands of passports.
The situation became really strange when Alexander Achenbach declared himself Prime Minister of Sealand in 1978 and fell to the platform with a number of mercenaries, but the son of Michael Bates was able to prevent them. After the death of Roy Bates in 2012, Michael has inherited the title of "General-Admiral Prince Michael of Sealand I Bates." Meanwhile, the successor Achenbach still claims sovereignty on the opponent.
3. Province of Bumbunga own prints marki
Province of Bumbunga - a miserable, broken away from the First World countries (Australia) region. It was founded March 29, 1976, the year Alex Brekstounom, ordinary trainer monkeys and loyal subjects of the British crown, who did not like that Australia has gone against the monarchy. He created Bumbungu on its four acres of land and called the governor, so that at least a small part of Australia is still true to the British throne. Brekstoun tried to create a giant model of the United Kingdom of strawberry bushes, but they died in the drought.
Bumbunga also released a series of stamps with pictures of members of the British royal family. Using them will not send anything anywhere, but they have become collectibles.
4. The hand was created with a court protsessu
June 2, 1996, the year the palm tiny country was created by the artist Lars Vilks in a nature reserve in southern Sweden due to a legal dispute relating to his art. In 1980 he built a 70-ton wooden sculpture called Nimis, in this remote area, which can be reached only by boat or a long walk by. When the authorities, in the end, it found they were ordered to destroy the statue and began a multi-year legal battle.
After the failure of his last appeal Wilks made to the palm, which is only concerned with creativity. The country has a queen and princess heir, as well as ambassadors and ministers, and in the official language there are only two words: «waaaall» and «ÿp» (although it is not clear what they mean). Become a citizen of the palm can anyone who registers on its site, with palm announces that all of its citizens are nomads.
5. The Grand Duchy of Avram issued coins and won a lawsuit against Avstralii
The Grand Duchy of Avram was founded in the early 1980s by John Charltom Raj in Tasmania. He called himself the Grand Duke Abram, but also Matra Marquis, Earl Enoch, Ulomov Viscount, Lord Rama and not only (all the titles listed on his website).
Although the Duchy has never been its territory, the Duke opened the Royal Bank of Avram inside the gift shop and demanded that all buyers to exchange their currency for coins Abram. The Australian Government has repeatedly caused Raja to court and spend this $ 22 million, while he allegedly spent $ 175. Coins minted still continue.
6. The Republic Kugelmugel inside a round house and a leader in izgnanii
All Kugelmugel Republic is in a round building built in the Lower Austrian artist Edwin Lipbyurgerom. In 1984 he built a spherical with a diameter of 7, 68 meters house without proper permits, and the Austrian authorities transferred him to a nearby park. Lipbyurger announced Kugelmugel (which roughly translates as "Round Hill"), a sovereign state and, as the third item on our list, began to produce their own brand.
Lipbyurgera sentenced to jail for this, but at the last moment he received a pardon from the Austrian president. Now Lipbyurger is "in exile" of his own country. It is still located in the Prater park, surrounded by barbed wire (it is unclear who set it - Lipbyurger or the Austrian government), and is a popular attraction.
7. North Dumpling Island, based rich chudakom
Segveya creator Dean Kamen has its own tiny island not far from Long Island, New York. Like many virtual country in this list, this state was created as a result of a dispute with the authorities on the construction without a permit - in this case the wind turbine.
Kamen "separated" and founded his own state as part of a single person with a flag fleet, currency and even a hymn written by Broadway director Paul Lazarus, who is also head of the Ministry of brunches. Kamen even got his friend President Bush Sr. Jarju` sign a "nonaggression pact". Although it is a fad very rich man with good connections, he claims that his business life leaves no time to rest, and it helps him relax.
8. Grand Duchy of Grand Duchy of Westarctica there because formalnosti
This virtual state exists thanks to a loophole: the territory in Antarctica is so removed (located to the south of 60 degrees south latitude, between 90 and 150 degrees west longitude) that no country applies for it, it is located between the territories claimed by Chile New Zealand.
An American by the name of Travis McHenry took advantage of it and 2 November of 2001 christened the Grand Duchy of Westarctica territory. Rumors spread about this country, and many have become its citizens, but there are no such ties McHenry, like Kamen of the preceding paragraph, so it still need some kind of recognition for the country of his claims.
9. Ostenaziya - monarchy-in-monarhii
October 20, 2008, the year at 11:30 am BST another 14-year-old announced the creation of a tiny state within the larger state borders. In this case, it was Jonathan Austen, his father declared emperor Terry and myself - Crown Prince Ostenazii bounded by the walls of their apartment in London. The country set a constitutional monarchy, and its tenure extended to five "areas" nearby.
Father and son set very serious about their claims (they refer to Articles 1 and 3 of the Montevideo Convention of 1933 year, allowing them to declare sovereignty), and they have released dozens of acts of Parliament. Honorary citizen Ostenazii can be any, and to visit the country can advance by contacting her head.
10. wirtland vezde
Wirtland - a virtual state, fully exists in cyberspace. It was established in the year 2008 as an experiment to establish a "democratic and peaceful alternative" for countries that are waging war beyond its borders.
Virtlyandiya hopes to unite all people under one banner, its member can be anyone. Virtlyandiya also seeks recognition of the legitimacy of its existence on the basis of the Montevideo Convention, citing Article 1: "The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by other states." Virtlyandiya controlled Chancellor, but says he wants to become a "parliamentary democracy».
To establish their virtual state, do the nine simple steps: You must be very rich or the very young; Being an artist and / or be a little crazy; Give the country a funny name and yourself the title Welcome funny; Write a Declaration, which cited Article 1 and 3 of the Montevideo Convention; Try and get on your friend's president signing the non-aggression pact; Create a site and offer citizenship to anyone interested; Mint its own coins, or let the brand; Prepare to the fact that you go to jail or be served to you in the court for the implementation of the seventh step; If your virtual state of more than one citizen, be prepared for a civil war or a coup.
via factroom.ru

Apart from the usual countries that we all know and are recognized by other countries, there is such a thing as a virtual state - is not a real state, but imitating certain of its features. As it turned out, a lot of these states, and anyone can get their citizenship, often simply by registering on the site.
1. The Kingdom Talossa created 14 years parnem

December 26, 1979, the year in her bedroom in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 14-year-old Robert Ben Madison declared it a separate state called Talossa and appointed himself king. Although this declaration was not recognized by any state, Talossa considered to be one of the first virtual states and has many imitators. Madison was savvy enough to create your own website in 1995, the year. Now it boasts 222 "citizens».
It is a peaceful state was not without internal strife - in 2004 he separated from his group, formed Republic Talossa. However, in 2012, the "country" was united again.
2. The Principality of Sealand to platforme

This tiny country is situated on a platform off the coast of Suffolk. First, the platform was occupied by the British for protection from the Germans, but the population of the platform became a separate nation in September 1967, when Paddy Roy Bates came on board and began broadcasting pirate radio station "Radio Essex." Because the platform is in international waters, Bates declared it Sealand (Eng. Sealand - «sea land"). Over time, he created a constitution and issued thousands of passports.

The situation became really strange when Alexander Achenbach declared himself Prime Minister of Sealand in 1978 and fell to the platform with a number of mercenaries, but the son of Michael Bates was able to prevent them. After the death of Roy Bates in 2012, Michael has inherited the title of "General-Admiral Prince Michael of Sealand I Bates." Meanwhile, the successor Achenbach still claims sovereignty on the opponent.
3. Province of Bumbunga own prints marki

Province of Bumbunga - a miserable, broken away from the First World countries (Australia) region. It was founded March 29, 1976, the year Alex Brekstounom, ordinary trainer monkeys and loyal subjects of the British crown, who did not like that Australia has gone against the monarchy. He created Bumbungu on its four acres of land and called the governor, so that at least a small part of Australia is still true to the British throne. Brekstoun tried to create a giant model of the United Kingdom of strawberry bushes, but they died in the drought.
Bumbunga also released a series of stamps with pictures of members of the British royal family. Using them will not send anything anywhere, but they have become collectibles.
4. The hand was created with a court protsessu

June 2, 1996, the year the palm tiny country was created by the artist Lars Vilks in a nature reserve in southern Sweden due to a legal dispute relating to his art. In 1980 he built a 70-ton wooden sculpture called Nimis, in this remote area, which can be reached only by boat or a long walk by. When the authorities, in the end, it found they were ordered to destroy the statue and began a multi-year legal battle.

After the failure of his last appeal Wilks made to the palm, which is only concerned with creativity. The country has a queen and princess heir, as well as ambassadors and ministers, and in the official language there are only two words: «waaaall» and «ÿp» (although it is not clear what they mean). Become a citizen of the palm can anyone who registers on its site, with palm announces that all of its citizens are nomads.
5. The Grand Duchy of Avram issued coins and won a lawsuit against Avstralii

The Grand Duchy of Avram was founded in the early 1980s by John Charltom Raj in Tasmania. He called himself the Grand Duke Abram, but also Matra Marquis, Earl Enoch, Ulomov Viscount, Lord Rama and not only (all the titles listed on his website).
Although the Duchy has never been its territory, the Duke opened the Royal Bank of Avram inside the gift shop and demanded that all buyers to exchange their currency for coins Abram. The Australian Government has repeatedly caused Raja to court and spend this $ 22 million, while he allegedly spent $ 175. Coins minted still continue.
6. The Republic Kugelmugel inside a round house and a leader in izgnanii

All Kugelmugel Republic is in a round building built in the Lower Austrian artist Edwin Lipbyurgerom. In 1984 he built a spherical with a diameter of 7, 68 meters house without proper permits, and the Austrian authorities transferred him to a nearby park. Lipbyurger announced Kugelmugel (which roughly translates as "Round Hill"), a sovereign state and, as the third item on our list, began to produce their own brand.

Lipbyurgera sentenced to jail for this, but at the last moment he received a pardon from the Austrian president. Now Lipbyurger is "in exile" of his own country. It is still located in the Prater park, surrounded by barbed wire (it is unclear who set it - Lipbyurger or the Austrian government), and is a popular attraction.
7. North Dumpling Island, based rich chudakom

Segveya creator Dean Kamen has its own tiny island not far from Long Island, New York. Like many virtual country in this list, this state was created as a result of a dispute with the authorities on the construction without a permit - in this case the wind turbine.

Kamen "separated" and founded his own state as part of a single person with a flag fleet, currency and even a hymn written by Broadway director Paul Lazarus, who is also head of the Ministry of brunches. Kamen even got his friend President Bush Sr. Jarju` sign a "nonaggression pact". Although it is a fad very rich man with good connections, he claims that his business life leaves no time to rest, and it helps him relax.
8. Grand Duchy of Grand Duchy of Westarctica there because formalnosti

This virtual state exists thanks to a loophole: the territory in Antarctica is so removed (located to the south of 60 degrees south latitude, between 90 and 150 degrees west longitude) that no country applies for it, it is located between the territories claimed by Chile New Zealand.
An American by the name of Travis McHenry took advantage of it and 2 November of 2001 christened the Grand Duchy of Westarctica territory. Rumors spread about this country, and many have become its citizens, but there are no such ties McHenry, like Kamen of the preceding paragraph, so it still need some kind of recognition for the country of his claims.
9. Ostenaziya - monarchy-in-monarhii

October 20, 2008, the year at 11:30 am BST another 14-year-old announced the creation of a tiny state within the larger state borders. In this case, it was Jonathan Austen, his father declared emperor Terry and myself - Crown Prince Ostenazii bounded by the walls of their apartment in London. The country set a constitutional monarchy, and its tenure extended to five "areas" nearby.

Father and son set very serious about their claims (they refer to Articles 1 and 3 of the Montevideo Convention of 1933 year, allowing them to declare sovereignty), and they have released dozens of acts of Parliament. Honorary citizen Ostenazii can be any, and to visit the country can advance by contacting her head.
10. wirtland vezde

Wirtland - a virtual state, fully exists in cyberspace. It was established in the year 2008 as an experiment to establish a "democratic and peaceful alternative" for countries that are waging war beyond its borders.
Virtlyandiya hopes to unite all people under one banner, its member can be anyone. Virtlyandiya also seeks recognition of the legitimacy of its existence on the basis of the Montevideo Convention, citing Article 1: "The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by other states." Virtlyandiya controlled Chancellor, but says he wants to become a "parliamentary democracy».
To establish their virtual state, do the nine simple steps: You must be very rich or the very young; Being an artist and / or be a little crazy; Give the country a funny name and yourself the title Welcome funny; Write a Declaration, which cited Article 1 and 3 of the Montevideo Convention; Try and get on your friend's president signing the non-aggression pact; Create a site and offer citizenship to anyone interested; Mint its own coins, or let the brand; Prepare to the fact that you go to jail or be served to you in the court for the implementation of the seventh step; If your virtual state of more than one citizen, be prepared for a civil war or a coup.
via factroom.ru
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