5 ways to turn a house into a Christmas tale

Pre-Christmas time, most of us has to wait for something quite extraordinary.
Website offers you feel the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday, and be creative in decorating their homes.
1. Choose a color h3> For the New Year's interior color traditionally used winter forest. The green, white, brown usually chosen background, and added to them bright and juicy stains such as red or gold.
New interior trend in 2016 is purple and lilac colors. They are very nice looking into the quality and the main and additional colors. Dare to make a purple main color for the upcoming holiday - an unusual solution to cheer up and be remembered for a long time guests.
The main color of the interior of the New Year, you can choose any other. They should not be too much: 2-3 tones give ogramnoe number of combinations.
2. Ornaments h3> To harmoniously looking interior decorations, try to maintain literate color combinations. Give preference patterns of various shapes and sizes. They give alternating composition mischievous notes.
Walking on the eve of the New Year, you begin to notice the decorations on the windows: Paper snowflakes, garland ... But many forget how great and you can decorate the window sill.
And here is the original decoration made of conventional cardboard! It is necessary to cut the stencils out of construction paper and glue opposite each other. Inside insert a strip of foam and fasten it in a garland. Turn on and feel the Christmas mood!
3. Christmas tree h3> The old custom of decorating a Christmas tree with fruit, nuts and candy becomes relevant again today. And while there is nothing stopping to include fantasy. To set garlands, gold balls, you can add candy in bright packaging, walnuts, wrapped in foil, and real fruit.
Along with traditional toys spruce can be decorated with bows. They must be the same size and decorated in a palette. You can decorate the Christmas tree and all of them add decorative straps to the legs of chairs and lampshades.
4. Lighting h3> Decorate the home with the help of all the festive illumination. You can use Christmas lights and candles.
And you can transform existing light sources! Your regular fixture in the New Year become fashionistas if you add a garland of pine needles and pine cones with beads and ribbons to decorate the ceiling, which can be attached to the double sided tape.
5. Tableware h3> In order not to change the usual situation, but at the same time make a solemn touch, buy fragrant candles, some fir branches, Set the table with the help of colorful napkins. All of these accessories are quite stylish fit and can be used separately.
Table layout may include an original composition of fir branches. It is better to use natural fragrant pine needles, and as decoration to use bright accessories.
Great idea - make a surprise guest
Now you only have to send invitation cards to their relatives and friends who will be delighted by how you have prepared!
via modernmagazin.com/christmas-tree-decorations-ideas/
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