The Marrying Man
Since ancient times, has 10 years go and as I started up the tradition - to lightly scan the mood spouse, or simply popripodnyat her mood, every day I ask a question:
- Selyanka, marriage Will you marry me?
Usually, it agrees Duty, sometimes mood Coben, begins to bargain for a dowry or just to rope me into povit and when and failure is if what is not pleased. In short, this is a good tradition.
Dinner. The wife sits slightly frowning. And I'm working on has not moved - we have all week the blockage, then Abraham. I not vduplyayu, delicately trying to find out what happened. All in vain. I start a little angry, and with a hint of threat requires:
- Mention, do not wait, what's the matter?
Pelmeshek enclosing me, the wife with a hint of reproach in his voice Rumor:
- You got me now three days are not married are calling. Well I'm, like, nervous.
He does not hesitate offered her hand and heart.
The wife did not hesitate to agree.