Passers-by were surprised to see jacket hanging on the pole. And then could not hold back tears ...
Worried about the approaching cold weather, Tara Smith-Atkins with his daughter and her friends decided to help the homeless from the Canadian city of Halifax keep warm this winter. Children hung on lampposts all kinds of jackets, and each of them left a note saying: "No, I have not lost. If you're cold, just take me to warm up! ».
The daughter of Tara and her seven friends hung jackets to the homeless throughout the city
Children hung the jacket during the celebration of the 8th anniversary daughter Tara - November 15, 2015. They spent an hour on the street, hanging clothes, but terribly cold. So the children managed to get a feel for how hard it is to live homeless people without warm clothes.
It was the most memorable day of celebration of the birth of a daughter Tara.
«They understood the importance of this event," - said Tara
A few weeks everyone gave the family a jacket
: Fishki.net

The daughter of Tara and her seven friends hung jackets to the homeless throughout the city
Children hung the jacket during the celebration of the 8th anniversary daughter Tara - November 15, 2015. They spent an hour on the street, hanging clothes, but terribly cold. So the children managed to get a feel for how hard it is to live homeless people without warm clothes.

It was the most memorable day of celebration of the birth of a daughter Tara.

«They understood the importance of this event," - said Tara

A few weeks everyone gave the family a jacket

: Fishki.net