Online Encyclopedia of Cat Care

Cats and cats are found in almost every home, as for many people they are favorite animals. Often, a meowing pet is perceived as a full-fledged member of the family and is characterized by an unpredictable nature. That's why we love them. If previously a cat or cat was perceived as an animal for catching mice, now they have become decorative: new breeds are bred. The cost of some breeds exceeds several thousand dollars, but they are worth it.
Those who think caring for pets is too easy are wrong. Depending on the place of residence (house, apartment), age, breed, pet requires special nutrition, disease prevention and even the regime of the day. Finding tips for caring for a pet on the Internet is not always the right decision. After all, the solution of one question for one breed can be very different from the answer to the question for another breed. In addition, advice is not always given by competent specialists.
The best option for pet owners is to visit a website dedicated entirely to cat care. Here you can not only learn about rare breeds of cats, but also learn how to properly care for pets, treat them and even dress them. Some cats that do not have a thick coat need mandatory “insulation”, and on the site you can find information on how to make clothes for them.
Among cats there are even real celebrities, receiving huge inheritances or getting into the books of records. About all these heroes will tell the site kototema.ru.
Regardless of age, diet or place of residence, all cats can get sick. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced owner to recognize the symptoms of the disease, and a trip to a veterinary clinic is not always possible. The tips of the site will tell you how to recognize some diseases, which diseases are amenable to home treatment, and for which you need to immediately go to the veterinarian. The question is, “How do you care for a pregnant cat?” The site has detailed information that will help ensure the cat proper nutrition, prepare the animal for childbirth.