11 interesting facts about the Papuans from a man who lived among them for a year
Papuans can walk the streets naked, sleeping on the ground by the fire and prepare food without salt, pepper and spices. The site publishes a list of fascinating facts about the Papuans, who was a person familiar with them firsthand.
1. They are ready to take revenge to the last drop of blood. Or until the last chicken h3> tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. They practice vendetta. If your family member hurt, maimed or killed, you have to answer the same offender. Broke his brother's hand? Break and you the one who did it.
2. They "sit" on the nuts as drug users h3> The fruits of Areca catechu - this is the habit of Papuans! The flesh is chewed, mixing with the other two ingredients. This causes excessive salivation and mouth, teeth and lips are painted bright red. Therefore Papuans endlessly spit on the ground, and "bloody" splashes are ubiquitous. In West Papua, these fruits called Penang, and in the eastern half of the island - betelnatom (Betheln nut). Eating fruits gives easy relaxing effect, but it is very spoils the teeth.
3. They believe in black magic and being punished for it h3> In the past cannibalism was an instrument of justice, not a way to satisfy their hunger. So Papuans punished for witchcraft. If a person is found guilty of using black magic and harming others, then he was killed and his body pieces distributed among the members of the clan. Today is no longer practiced cannibalism, but murder on charges of black magic are not stopped.
4. They keep dead at home h3> If we Lenin "asleep" in the mausoleum, the mummies of their leaders Papuan tribe tribute stored directly in their huts. Gnarled, smoked, with terrible grimaces. Age mummies - 200-300 years.
5. They allow their women to engage in heavy physical labor h3> The first time I saw a woman in the seventh, eighth month of pregnancy chopping wood with an ax, and her husband, resting in the shade, I was shocked. Later I realized that the Papuans is the norm. Therefore, women in their Selenium brutal and physical endurance.
6. They are paying for the future wife pigs h3> This custom was preserved throughout New Guinea. The bride's family received a pig before the wedding. This is a mandatory fee. This woman caring for pigs, both for children and even their suckle her breasts. This also wrote Nikolai Maclay in his notes.
7. Their women mutilated themselves voluntarily h3> In the case of the death of a close relative of the woman Dani tribe cut off a finger bones. Stone ax. Today this custom has declined, but in the Baliem valley you can still find fingerless grandmothers.
8. A necklace of the dog's teeth - the best gift to his wife! H3> tribe Korovaev is a real jewel. Therefore korovayskim women do not need no gold or pearls or fur coats, no money. They have very different values.
9. Men and women are separated h3> Many Papuan tribes practiced this custom. Therefore, there are men's and women's huts. Women in a man's house entrance is forbidden.
10. They may even live in trees h3> «High live - I look away. Korowai make their homes in tall trees. Sometimes it is 30 m above the ground! Therefore, the children and infants there keep an eye because of fences in a house there
11. They wear Kotek h3> This fallokript that mountaineers cover his manhood. Kotek is used instead of cowards, banana leaves, or loincloths. Make it out of the local pumpkin.
1. They are ready to take revenge to the last drop of blood. Or until the last chicken h3> tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. They practice vendetta. If your family member hurt, maimed or killed, you have to answer the same offender. Broke his brother's hand? Break and you the one who did it.
Well, that of vendetta can be bought off chickens and pigs. So one day I went with the Papuans on the "arrow". They sat in a pickup truck, took a hen house and went to the showdown. All done without bloodshed.
2. They "sit" on the nuts as drug users h3> The fruits of Areca catechu - this is the habit of Papuans! The flesh is chewed, mixing with the other two ingredients. This causes excessive salivation and mouth, teeth and lips are painted bright red. Therefore Papuans endlessly spit on the ground, and "bloody" splashes are ubiquitous. In West Papua, these fruits called Penang, and in the eastern half of the island - betelnatom (Betheln nut). Eating fruits gives easy relaxing effect, but it is very spoils the teeth.
3. They believe in black magic and being punished for it h3> In the past cannibalism was an instrument of justice, not a way to satisfy their hunger. So Papuans punished for witchcraft. If a person is found guilty of using black magic and harming others, then he was killed and his body pieces distributed among the members of the clan. Today is no longer practiced cannibalism, but murder on charges of black magic are not stopped.
4. They keep dead at home h3> If we Lenin "asleep" in the mausoleum, the mummies of their leaders Papuan tribe tribute stored directly in their huts. Gnarled, smoked, with terrible grimaces. Age mummies - 200-300 years.
5. They allow their women to engage in heavy physical labor h3> The first time I saw a woman in the seventh, eighth month of pregnancy chopping wood with an ax, and her husband, resting in the shade, I was shocked. Later I realized that the Papuans is the norm. Therefore, women in their Selenium brutal and physical endurance.
6. They are paying for the future wife pigs h3> This custom was preserved throughout New Guinea. The bride's family received a pig before the wedding. This is a mandatory fee. This woman caring for pigs, both for children and even their suckle her breasts. This also wrote Nikolai Maclay in his notes.
7. Their women mutilated themselves voluntarily h3> In the case of the death of a close relative of the woman Dani tribe cut off a finger bones. Stone ax. Today this custom has declined, but in the Baliem valley you can still find fingerless grandmothers.
8. A necklace of the dog's teeth - the best gift to his wife! H3> tribe Korovaev is a real jewel. Therefore korovayskim women do not need no gold or pearls or fur coats, no money. They have very different values.
9. Men and women are separated h3> Many Papuan tribes practiced this custom. Therefore, there are men's and women's huts. Women in a man's house entrance is forbidden.
10. They may even live in trees h3> «High live - I look away. Korowai make their homes in tall trees. Sometimes it is 30 m above the ground! Therefore, the children and infants there keep an eye because of fences in a house there
11. They wear Kotek h3> This fallokript that mountaineers cover his manhood. Kotek is used instead of cowards, banana leaves, or loincloths. Make it out of the local pumpkin.
via fishki.net/1736867-chto-papuasu-horosho-to-russkij-ne-pojmet.html
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