HOW PRINIMAM SODE peroxide !!! Neumyvakin
Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - MD, Professor, State Prize winner, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Author of over 200 scientific papers, honored inventor, has 85 copyright certificates on inventions.
Since 1959, for 30 years, it was inseparably linked with space medicine.
As the creator of a unique hospital - space aboard a hospital ship, Ivan Pavlovich not only coordinated the work of leading medical experts in our country in this direction, but he worked out new principles, methods and tools for health care to astronauts during flights of varying duration.
Name Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakina, more than 40 years dealing with issues of treatment and improvement of human well-known as medical professionals, and those who represent an alternative, informal medicine.
BEAUTIFUL method of cleansing the liver and kidneys !!! Neumyvakin
Hydrogen peroxide and soda treat many serious diseases, including cancer ....